  • 期刊


The Construction of the Inventory of Teacher Concerns


本研究的目的在建立初等教育師資培育階段的準教師的關切事項量表,以作為初等教育師資培育課程設計之參考。本量表的編製係參考Fuller的教師關切事項發展階段理論及研究方法。首先透過自編之開放式問卷蒐集準教師關切事項,經過內容分析、歸類、編擬成預試題目,再經過預試和建立信度、效度等階段。因素分析結果顯示準教師關切事項,包括「教學表現」、「教學環境」、「學校氣氛」、「個人」、「學生問題」、「人際關係」、「教育趨勢」及「班級大小」等八個向度,總量表Cronbach α為.8917,分量表分別為.93(因素一),.88(因素二),.88(因素三),.82(因素四),.86(因素五),.84(因素六),.88(因素七),.68(因素八)。在效度方面,本量表各因素與「教師信念量表」各因素皆呈低度相關,兩者顯然是不同的建構。




The purpose of the study was to develop an inventory of teacher concerns for use with preservice teachers in elementary education programs. Initially, teacher concern items were collected through an open-ended questionnaire titled the Survey of Teacher Concerns (STC). A total of 155 preservice teachers were asked: "At this point in time, what things concern you about becoming a teacher?" Qualitative research procedures were used to analyze subjects' responses. Totally 69 items were produced. The resulting instrument, the Inventory of Teacher Concerns (lTC), was then administered to 449 preservice teachers in four teachers colleges, located in four different geographical areas. Results of the factor analysis indicated that there are eight interpretable factors (i.e., dimensions) in the ITC. Sixty items from the 69 items that composed the original version of the ITC were found to represent the eight factors. The eight factors were labeled: Factor I--Concern about Instructional Performance, Factor II--Concern about Teaching Environment, Factor III--Concern about School Climate, Factor IV--Personal Concerns, Factor V--Concern about Problems of Students, Factor VI--Concern about Interpersonal Relationships, Factors VII--Concern about Educational Changes, and Factor VIII--Concern about Class Size. The ITC factor intercorrelations indicated that the ITC factors were moderately correlated. The reliabilities of the ITC scores were determined using Cronbach's alpha. The results indicated high internal consistency for the factors with alpha values ranging from .68 to .93. Overall, the findings indicated that the ITC is acceptably reliable for measuring concerns of preservice teachers in Taiwan.


