  • 期刊


The Ambassador of Passing Love in the Dreams of the Red Chamber-Qing-Wen's Passive Aggressive Personality and the Fate of Her Inner World and Disease



有芙蓉花神之稱的晴雯,在榮府中性情驕縱,從為寶玉傳定情物、補孔雀裘、海棠花枯之象徵等記述著一個女僕特殊之生命情態。本論文將研究晴雯之特殊性格、情感及醫病原理。 晴雯之驕縱行事,雖有爆炭氣質-一種被動攻擊性格,但卻也柔情似水。晴雯在舊傳統社會的引人側目及被威權者所詬訾,註定是個悲劇。晴雯勇補孔雀裘之義氣與傳情大使之職司,在生死稜界上,始終如一。晴雯一生有關男女情感之出入,唯寶玉而已,潔身自愛,未曾逾越倫常。從第5回之詩詞讖語至〈芙蓉女兒誄>記跡了晴雯率真、超凡脫俗之「在室氣質」,但行事作風卻顯得缺乏「善」、「敬」之特質。有關晴雯之疾病,以今日醫學論之,搜檢大觀園時,晴雯已染病,過程中晴雯受氣延捱,最終晴雯極可能因得女兒癆又受風寒而亡或得女兒癆後又併發肺炎加重病情死亡。晴雯無法再活現成,更墮入線性因果報應中,在飽受冤屈與現世果報下香消玉殞。 晴雯扮演著一個無法圓融於天地人三境之年輕貌美女子的陡然花落,不過卻也締造了《紅樓夢》中另一敘事高峰。


The so called a deity of Hibiscus Flower, Qing-wen, who was arrogant. From passing gifts, to repair the peacock overcoat, to a symbol of withered Chinese flower Crab Apple that recorded a maid's special life style. In this article, I want to study Qing-wen's personality, internal world and her disease. Qing-wen's arrogance and behavior showed her savage characteristics, a kind of personality that similar to passive aggressive personality, but tender and soft as water too. In the mansion of Rong-Fu, She led a sidelong glance from the other persons, and was cursed by authority too. In the ancient society, she was destined to be a tragedian. Qing-wen had the sense of honor and justice to repair the peacock overcoat for Bao-Yu and had a mission of ambassador to pass love to Dai-Yu for Bao-yu, in her live between live and death was all the same. From the poem of the five chapter of the novel to the invention of Goddess of Hibiscus Flower, it recorded the virginal characteristics of Qing-wen, but her behavior lacked of goodness and respect. As for Qing-wen's disease according to modern internal medicine, it might be erupted by by tuberculosis and catch a cold at the same time, or was erupted by tuberculosis and pneumonia at the same time. Qing-wen acted a young and beautiful girl who couldn't accommodate to three conditions of heaven, earth and Mankind, and then died soon, but she created a narrative climax in The Dreams of The Red Chamber.


