  • 期刊


Attribute-Evaluation of Technological and Vocational Learning Environments


在二十一世紀的未來,技職一貫新課程的改革帶來學生學習情境的衝擊,除了換取課程的新風貌之外,更需要改善符合新課程需求的教室空間,使學生所面臨的學習環境,不再只是一個資訊、資源的場所,而是培養實力、面對競爭,符合學生學習意願的學習空間。在短短四十多年間的教育改革及轉型,觀之技職教育的發展,無非是讓技職教育能夠因應潮流再重新出發,這項突破性的改革明顯的影響學習場所。本研究透過學習情境的個人偏好考量因素,作爲探討師生對學習情境偏好的依據,並針對12種教室學習情境的型式,調查受測樣本對這些型式的「屬性評量」。 調查結果以多元尺度法的MDPREF電腦程式做分析。本研究發現:(一)屬性可分爲五個屬性集群:第一群包括使用方便性、整齊舒適性、動線規劃、及靜態學習活動,可命名爲「空間覺受」;第二群包括討論集會、及同儕團體活動,可命名爲「交流互動」;第三群包括師生關係溝通、動態學習活動、及康樂休憩,可命名爲「展演活動」;第四群爲個人私密性,可命名爲「情感自主」;第五群爲空間擁擠感,可命名爲「密度壅塞」。(二)屬性評量:最偏好爲班群式-小組式座位。師生偏好傾向小組座位排列的型式,強調高職師生偏好的屬性偏向互動性較高、適合小組討論的型式空間;最不偏好之型式爲班群式-圈圈式座位。明確地說,在屬性評量上較偏好的屬性群是「交流互動」,較不偏好的屬性群是「空間覺受」。


技職一貫 屬性 偏好 多元尺度法


The curricula renewal of Technical and Vocational Education is bound to cause significant impact on the design of learning environment in the near future of the twenty-first century. Thus, it is demanded that the learning environment be correspondent to the new curricula, so as to escalate the information-based ambiance to all environment that nurtures students' capabilities of competitiveness, professional expertise, and strong will of learning. It is observable, as a result, the educational revolution and transformation with in the last forty years has been to cater to public call for change and starting over. This, in return, affected the formation of learning environment conspicuously. To inquire into such a change, this study conducted an investigation of students and teachers' preference for different patterns of learning environment. Specifically, twelve patterns of classroom were employed as the stimuli in the investigation to induce respondents' attribute-evaluation of these patterns. The MDPREF software was used to analyze the research data. It was found that, these attributes could be sorted into five homogenous groups. The first group, Sense of Space, was composed of ”convenience”, ”comfort”, ”circulation,” and ”static learning activities.” The second, Communication and Interaction, was composed of ”discussions and meetings,” and ”group activities.” The third, Exhibition Activity, consisted of ”teacher-student relationship,” ”dynamic learning activities,” and ”recreational-visual.” The fourth, Affection Freedom consisted of ”personal privacy.” And the fifth, Dense and Congested, comprised the attribute: ”crowdedness.” It was also found, through the MDPREF process, that the ”group-seating clustered-classrooms” was regarded the most preferred pattern of learning environment. This indicated that teachers and students preferred clustered group-seating pattern that was apt to induce more within-group interaction and discussion. The least preferred, instead, was ”circular-seating clustered-classrooms.” In short, the core attribute of the most preferred learning environment was ”Communication and Interaction,” while the least preferred was ”Sense of Space.”




