  • 期刊


A Survey Study of Potential Professions for Students Who Possess Digital Competence in the Field of Graphic Communications


具備有數位能力者就業適配之行業爲何?本研究以自行設計產業調查研究之工具,蒐集圖文傳播數位能力之「產業專家」及大學圖文傳播數位能力相關「學者專家」,他們對具備圖文傳播複製前數位能力者未來就業時適配之行業之觀點,以供協助學生職涯探索、協助建置職業生涯出路或進路(career pathway)並繪製職涯地圖(career map)之用,期盼幫助學生們「建構生命願景,彩繪亮麗人生」順利與職涯接軌。產學調查,共發出問卷五十份,回收三十五份。經由調查資料的統計,組合成爲具備圖文傳播複製前數位能力者就業時適配之行業,進而發現數位能力適配就業行業的知識。最後,將研究結果整理、呈現並出版發表,以供相關運用之參考(含表20張、圖1張)。


What are the potential professions considered suitable for students who are digitally competent in Graphic Communications? Questionnaires specifically designed to find the answer for this question were distributed to both industrial professionals and academic experts in educational institutes to collect data for further analysis. The purpose of this survey study was to provide a summary and overview of potential professions for students who received educational trainings and possess sufficient digital competence in the field of Graphic Communications. Hopefully this study can provide a career map for these students, help them understand their career pathways more clearly and give them a better head start. A total of 50 copies of the survey questionnaires were sent out and 35 of them received back from the industrial professionals and renowned academic experts. The data were analyzed by statistical methods to compile the list of potentially suitable professions for students who possess digital competence in Graphic Communications; critical aspects of knowledge and skills essential to be successful in these professions were also compiled and presented in this survey study, which composed of 20 Tables and 1 Figures, respectively.


行政院文化建設委員會(2004)。〈文化創意產業發展計畫〉。2010年4月2日, 取自http://web.cca.gov.tw/creative/page/page_02.htm
行政院文化建設委員會(2010) 。《文化創意產業發展法》。99年1月7日立法院三讀通過。中華民國99年2月3 日, 華總一義字第09900022451號。
行政院主計處(2006a)。行業標準分類, 第8次修訂─行業名稱及定義, 說明。2007年12月16日, 取自http://www.stat.gov.tw/public/Attachment/652511153571.pdf
行政院主計處(2006b)。行業標準分類, 第8次修訂─行業名稱及定義, 第C大類─製造業。2007年12月16日, 取自http://www.stat.gov.tw/public/Attachment/642715204071.doc
