  • 期刊


The Practices of Juxtaposition and Interrelationship of Images: 7 Pictorial Modes of the Christian Typology before High Renaissance




Christian typology is an exegetical hermeneutics aimed at articulating the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) with the Christian New Testament. Established by the early Fathers before the 5th century A.D., it has manifested itself during various stages of Western act history in two major forms of visualization: synchronous juxtaposition and visual exegesis.This article is concerned with typological juxtaposition as an artistic technique. Its objective is to explore how this theological discourse has been visualized and transformed into works of art. It is shown how this visualization, while responding to the theoretical framework of Christian typology, nevertheless develops its own independent models of operation.By means of formal analysis, iconographical study, the interpretation of images and research into primary and secondary sources, the author deducts seven major schemata of visual typology in use within a time range from Early Christian Art to early 16th century Renaissance: (1) the parallel and symmetrical type, (2) the partial and mixed type, (3) the implicitly metaphorical type, (4) the serial and integrated type, (5) the subordinated and decorative type, (6) the displaced and interchangeable type, and (7) the syncretistic and symbiotic type.It becomes clear that Christian typology, once transposed into visual art, is nothing like an unchangeable and monolithic system. On the contrary, it has undergone far-reaching metamorphoses during the long history of Christian art, as the in-depth analysis of a number of selected and highly characteristic works demonstrates. Especially in post-medieval art, significant deviations from the Old/New Testament pattern can be observed, which use juxtaposition as a conceptual springboard for thematic and artistic novelty quite similar to techniques employed in modem art.


羊文漪(2010)。預表論神學跨新舊兩約的互圖文敘事與教義論述─以大英博物館C.9 d.2《貧窮人聖經》(Biblia pauperum)首頁『聖告圖』為例。藝術學報。6(2),1-29。
King James Bible Online。http://www kingjamesbibleonline.org/
