  • 期刊


Perspective on Groupthink of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment on Campus


《性別平等教育法》於2004年6月23日公布實施,為各級學校推動性別平等教育之準據,其中對於學生人身權的保護,包括該法第四章校園性侵害和性騷擾防治以及其行政命令《校園性侵害及性騷擾防治準則》,期以行政處分配合移送司法機關方式,達嚇阻校園性侵害或性騷擾事件之發生。惟依據2012年教育部網站所公布之校園性侵害性騷擾件數統計,校園性侵害事件由2006年之214件增至2010年的897件,性騷擾事件由2006年的145件增至2010年之985件,案件數急遽成長,法令似乎未達嚇阻效果,其中原因令人玩味。依照《性別平等教育法》的性質,學校在校園性侵害及性騷擾事件處理具行政機關與準司法機關雙階地位,而執行校園性侵害或性騷擾事件的人員幾乎皆為學校教職員,他們必須接受教育主管機關所辦理研習課程,具「認證」條件,但校園性侵害及性騷擾案件快速成長現象,提醒我們思考是否認證與處理能力間產生落差,尤其是目前校園性別事件處理採合議制,學校人員除需不斷充實其資格、專長、知識外,尚需建構面對團體壓力的獨立意識,始得正確適用法令處理個案。一般而言,學校性騷擾及性侵害處理人員的專長或職務各異,依法令對疑似性騷擾及性侵害案件的通報、申請及檢舉等程序作為,或進入調查階段的詢問、蒐證、分析、論述及調查報告撰寫、委員會決議及處置等,皆考驗他(她)們集體判斷力。但實務上,他們往往受限於學識及經驗不足、官僚體制與刻板文化影響而趨附團體決策,出現「團體盲思」(Group think),正如Janis所指出:「在凝聚力強的封閉團團體中,團體一致性的壓力與氛圍,超越團體成員務實提出評估選項的集體思維。」筆者曾擔任學校之性別平等教育委員會委員及調查小組成員,從所參與案件處理過程,觀察學校面對校園性侵害及性騷擾案件時,確實潛藏或呈現團體盲思的現象。而如何理解這些盲思現象,本文擬從人員問答、會議討論、事件報告的歷史經驗與觀察記錄、法令之內容等進行分析。因校園性侵害及性騷擾事件處理人員不只面對校內各相關會議的團體審查,而結果必受到案件當事人的挑戰。所以本文期望提供自身與其他處理人員,反思在處理校園性侵害及性騷擾案件時,覺察團體盲思以促進事件處理更臻完善。


Gender Equity Education Act was promulgated and implemented on June 23, 2004. It is gender equity education regulation for schools at all levels. Students' personal rights protection is stipulated in Chapter Four Prevention and Handling of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying on Campus as well as in the Regulation of Prevention of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment on Campus. The authority intends to deter sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus through administrative sanction and judicial punishment both. However, per 2012 Ministry of Education website, there are 145 cases of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus in 2006, and 985 cases in 2010. The big increase tells that regulation and act do not deter sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus at all. Reason caused needs to be researched and investigated further.According to Gender Equity Education Act, school stands for administrative and judicial organizations both when handling sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus, investigation team or committee members for sexual assault and sexual harassment occurred at school are school staff and faculty. They should have related training courses sponsored by school or competent authority and should be certified. But the rapid increase of sexual assault and sexual harassment occurred at school drives us to study if there is a big gap between certificate system and handling capability. School staff and faculty are supposed to continuously learn related professional knowledge, special skill, and should have independent thought to group pressure; thus they can handle different case of sexual assault and sexual harassment occurred at school according to appropriate regulation and law.Generally speaking, every staff/faculty has different specialty or function on handling sexual assault and sexual harassment occurred at school; he or she reports or sends application to authority for investigating any suspected sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus in fulfillment of his or her responsibility. It tests school staff/faculty's group judgment on questioning, collecting evidence, analyzing, describing or writing investigation report, committee conclusion and disposition. But actually, they always have groupthink due lack of professional knowledge and experience, bureaucracy and stereotype thinking. As Janis said ”Group pressure is larger than each member's comments and thoughts especially in cohesive and conservative group.”The author has been a member of Gender Equity Education Committee and Investigation Team, he did find groupthink in school from his own participating experience and from observing school handle sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus. Author plans to study these groupthinks from historical experience and observation records of Qs & As, meeting discussions, events reports as well as from regulation contents analysis. Handlers of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus are not only reported to different related committees, they also be challenged by parties related to the case. This research intends to help handlers to aware of groupthink when handling sexual assault and sexual harassment occurred at school and to have more thoughtful, considerable resolution.




