  • 期刊


Commentary on the Amendment of the Judgment Base of Penalties in Violation of the "Environmental Education Law": Taking the Internal and External Legal Effects of Administrative Rules as an Example




The "Environmental Education Law" is formulated to standardize and cultivate citizens' understanding of the ethical relationship with the environment, enhance citizens' values of environmental protection, and encourage them to value the environment. It is formulated through citizens' independent actions to achieve sustainable development. Regarding the disposal of behaviors that violate the spirit of legal norms, the "Environmental Lecture Hours and Penalty Amount Judgment Criterion" is entrusted with the legal rank of administrative rules as a means to improve the "Environmental Education Law". The underlying concept of this paper is the administrative rules which are the basis for the administrative actions and procedures of administrative agencies. Administrative rules include not only "internal order and operation of agencies", but also the explanatory regulations and discretionary standards promulgated by administrative agencies, which are discussed here as the internal and external effects of the administrative rules, respectively. This paper examines Article 19 of the Environmental Education Law, which stipulates all employees, teachers and students should participate in environmental education for more than four hours a year. And henceforth, violators of the Environmental Education Act can be fined with a progressive fine scale for every consecutive offense. It is argued that the current Law does not ensure a choice of administrative control methods for a range of offenses, from minor to severe. Also, the rules do not meet the requirements of the principle of proportionality. This paper suggests that administrative rules must be designed as a "statute order"; as they actually involve the rights and interests of the people, they can not deprive constitutional rights to litigate against the decisions based on administrative rules.


司法院釋字第385號解釋,法源法律網, https://db-lawbank-com-tw.easysearch.lib.fcu.edu.tw:3001/FINT/FINTQRY04.aspx?id=C%2cD%2c385,最後瀏覽日:2022 年 06 月 12 日
司法院釋字第407號解釋,法源法律網 , https://db-lawbank-com-tw.easysearch.lib.fcu.edu.tw:3001/FINT/FINTQRY04.aspx?id=C%2cD%2c407,最後瀏覽日:2022 年 06 月 09 日
司法院釋字第613號解釋,法源法律網, https://db-lawbank-com-tw.easysearch.lib.fcu.edu.tw:3001/FINT/FINTQRY04.aspx?id=C%2cD%2c613,最後瀏覽日:2022 年 06 月 12 日
司法院釋字第717號解釋,法源法律網,https://db-lawbank-com-tw.easysearch.lib.fcu.edu.tw:3001/FINT/FINTQRY04.aspx?id=C%2cD%2c717,最後瀏覽日:2022 年 06 月 12 日
