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A Study of College Girls' Subjective Weight Perception, Social Physique Anxiety, and Exercise Behavior during the Stages of Exercise


本研究目的為探討大學女生在不同運動階段、主觀自覺體重、社會體型焦慮與健身運動行為的關係及差異情形。研究參與者為 306位大學體育課女生,平均年齡為 18.40±0.68歲、平均身高為 159.83±5.27 公分及平均體重為 53.17±9.47公斤。研究工具包括社會體型焦慮、運動行為改變階段及休閒運動問卷等量表。資料處理以描述性統計、點二系列相關、積差相關、交叉分析及單因子變異數分析。本研究結果發現運動階段與社會體型焦慮,主觀自覺體重和社會體型焦慮之間無關聯性。但運動階段與主觀自覺體重和健身運動行為有低度關聯性;不同運動階段在社會體型焦慮沒有差異性存在,而且,在不同運動階段的健身運動行為也有差異性存在,維持期的運動行為都高於行動、準備及思考前期。不同程度的主觀自覺體重在社會體型焦慮有差異性存在,自覺體重過重者的社會體型焦慮程度高於自覺體重剛好及過輕者。主觀自覺體重在健身運動行為沒有差異性存在。結論為大學女生在不同運動階段與主觀自覺體重過重者,都有較高的社會體型焦慮程度。因此,應該要加強大學女生對自身體型與體重的正確認知,使社會體型焦慮程度降低,則應該能提升運動行為的層面。


自覺體型 正確認知 關聯性


This research aimed to explore the relationships and differences among the college girls' subjective weight perception, social physique anxiety, and exercise behavior during the stages of exercise. The research participants consisted of 306 girls in physical education classes, with the average age of 18.40 ± 0.68 years old, the average height of 159.83 ± 5.27 cm, and the average weight of 53.17 ± 9.47. The research tools include: social physique anxiety, motor behavior change stages, recreational sports questionnaire, and other scales. In terms of data processing, descriptive statistics, point-biserial correlation, product-moment correlation, cross-analysis, and single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) were adopted. The research results show that there was no correlation between exercise stages and social physique anxiety and subjective awareness of weight and social anxiety, while the different stages of exercise and subjective weight perception and exercise behavior showed a low degree of correlation. On the other hand, the different stages of exercise and social physique anxiety showed no difference, while the exercise in the different stages of exercise showed differences. During the period of weight maintenance, the exercise behaviors were higher compared to the action, preparation, and pre-contemplation. The different degrees of subjective weight perception and social physique anxiety showed differences. The degree of social physique anxiety observed in those whose perceived weights were too high was higher than that of those whose perceived weights were average or too low. The subjective weight perception and exercise behavior showed no difference. To sum up, the collage girls whose perceived weights were too high during the different stages of exercise had a higher degree of social physique anxiety. Therefore, the college girls’ correct understanding of body perception and weight should be strengthened in order to reduce the degree of social physique anxiety, thereby enhancing the aspect of exercise behavior.


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