  • 期刊


Analysis the difference of interaction time, strike strength and ground reaction force on face attack strategy-Case study of Kendo


本研究主要探討劍道專項選手以跳擊及出端之不同面部攻擊策略時,反應時間、打擊力量及下肢地面反作用力差異分析。方法:受試者9位男性甲組劍道專項選手,平均年齡24.7±7.6years,平均身高174±4.1cm,平均體重82.6±6.2kg,運動年齡平均14.1±7.1years;每位受試者立於前後分置之2塊測力板上,以隨機方式進行跳擊面與出端面兩個動作。以高速攝影機及測力板記錄打擊過程中,反應時間、打擊力量和推蹬腳及前踏腳之地面反作用力與體重比。資料處理係利用動作分析軟體(silicon COACH v7.0)及力板資料分析軟體(Logger pro);每個動作需做三次,所得運動資料以兩次最佳成績之平均數為代表值。資料分析係以成對樣本t檢定。進行不同攻擊模式之差異資料分析。結果:跳擊面與出端面攻擊動作之完成時間有顯著差異(p=0.003)最大打擊力量則無顯著差異(p=0.110)推蹬腳地面反作用力達顯著差異(p = 0.006);前踏腳之地面反作用力與體重比無顯著差異(p=0.646)。結論:本研究發現跳擊面反應時間短但動作完成時間比出端面長,平均打擊力量較大;本測試所得到之結果可做為國內劍道跳擊面與出端面攻擊戰術參考,出端面推蹬腳與前踏腳地面反作用力皆大於跳擊面達0.2倍之體重比,所以進行出端面攻擊模式須具有爆發力,下肢肌力更需強化。面部攻擊模式,前踏腳之觸地作用力至少達5倍體重之多,此結果提供教練或選手更應著重於前踏腳之肌力訓練或支撐模式,以提昇運動表現並避免選手造成運動傷害,進而保護選手之運動生涯。


This study mainly discussed the difference between the reaction time, the strike force and the ground reaction force of the lower limbs about kendo player. Methods: The average age was 24.7 ± 7.6years, the average height was 174 ± 4.1cm, the average weight was 82.6 ± 6.2kg, and the average age of exercise was 14.1 ± 7.1years. Each players were divided into two sets of force plates in front and rear, and the two operations, Jumping face and exit face, were carried out in a random manner. This study was using high-speed video camera and force board to record the combat process, response time, strike strength and push the foot and the front foot of the ground reaction force and weight ratio. Data processing was using the software analysis software (silicon COACH v7.0) and force board data analysis software (Logger pro); each action need to do three times, the exercise result data was choose the average of the two best results as the representative value. The data were analyzed in pairs t-test. Analysis of differences in different modes of attack. Results: There was a significant difference (p = 0.006) between the jumping face and the exit face attack, there was no significant (p = 0.003) between the jumping face and the biggest force, there was a significant difference (p = 0.006) between the jumping face and the reaction force of push foot on the ground; there was no significant difference (p=0.646) between the reaction force of front foot of the ground. Conclusion: This study found that the response time of the jumping surface was short but the completion time was longer than the end face and the average strike force was larger. The results of this test could be used as the domestic kendo jumper face and out of the surface attack tactical reference, the end of the pedal foot pedal and the front foot of the ground reaction force was greater than the hit surface of 0.2 times the weight ratio, so the end of the attack mode must had explosive power, lower limb muscle strength need to be strengthened. Facial attack mode, the front foot of the touch of force at least 5 times of the weight, the result could provide coach and player focused on the front foot of the muscle strength training or support mode, this could be enhance the sport performance and to avoid sports injuries, and protect the player's sports career.




