  • 期刊


Research on the Relationship between Cognitive Function and the Physical Fitness of Elderly People in Taiwan




認知 功能性體適能 stroop 高齡者


Aging has a negative effect on cognitive function. Many studies abroad have conducted many discussions on the relationship between the cognitive function and physical fitness of the elderly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cognitive function and physical fitness of elderly people in Taiwan. 73 seniors with an average age of 74.52±6.23 years participated in this study. Nine physical fitness tests were performed: body composition, 30s arm curl, 30s chair stand, seated forward bending, back scratch, time up-to-go, single leg stand, 2-minute step, and 10 m walking test. Cognitive function was evaluated by SWCT. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient. Our findings revealed a positive correlation between body composition BMI and cognitive function. Strength fitness, dynamic and static balance, cardiopulmonary fitness and walking speed were positively correlated with cognitive function, but upper- and lower-body flexibility were found to be unrelated. This study provides an understanding of the correlation between physical fitness and cognitive function of the elderly in Taiwan, but the way to establish its relationship requires further studies.


Cognitive functional fitness stroop senior citizens


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內政部統計處(2020)。內政部統計月報:現住人口按五歲年齡組分。資料檢索日期 108 年11 月 12 日,取自 https://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/index.aspx
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