  • 期刊


Utilizing Goffman's Theoretical Framework of Dramaturgic Approach to Examine the House Manager's Work


社會學家爾文•高夫曼(Erving Goffman,1922-1982)運用戲劇分析模式來解讀平日習以爲常的互動秩序,其認爲人們都是舞台上的演員,在觀眾面前必須竭盡所能,將最完美的演出行爲加以呈現並發展出套獨特的戲劇論(dramaturgy),將社會互動比喻成一連串的表演或戲劇,行爲比喻成戲劇演出,而人們在觀眾面前扮演各種不同角色,一切的行爲舉止都試圖符合他人期待,因此人們會隨著不同的情境或觀眾的要求,自我改變而呈現多種面貌,並調整形象來強化演出。在劇場演出中,除了舞台上的表演外,劇場前台(front-of-house)接待觀眾的區域,亦是屬於前台工作人員的一個表演舞台,表演著如何爲觀眾服務,而在表演團體人員組織中,前台經理(house manager)便扮演著劇場前台重要的角色,其不僅要帶領前台工作人員進行服務觀眾的工作,還要負責前台與後台之連繫,更要顧及觀眾的感受,使觀眾從進入劇場那一刻,感到前來觀賞演出是如此舒適享受,有值回票價之感。本文將藉由高夫曼的戲劇理論思想,以其名著《日常生活中的自我表演》(The presentation of self Everyday Life)爲主要參考架構,探討劇場中前台經理的工作亦是一種表演,如同舞台上的演出,完整且精彩,不容忽視。


高夫曼 表演 前台經理


Sociologist Erving Goffman (1922-1982) used the concept of the theater metaphor to analyze how people interact in everyday performance He examined the roles taken on by individuals, different aspects of these roles, how individuals interpret these roles, and how individuals distance themselves from the roles. He explained how individuals go through their lives like actors on the stage playing out their roles for others. In the theatre, the front-of-house staffs are the obvious, most easily recognized representatives of the Service. It is important that they are able to conduct themselves accordingly, in particular their attitude to the audience, alertness on post, pride in their post area, pride in their appearance and in the performance of their duties. The house manager takes responsibility for the operation, security and appearance of the front house as a whole, regularly checking public areas and taking action where necessary. The house manager also contributes to the formulation. Implementation, review of departmental objectives and all aspects of managing a service team. The purpose of this article is to examine the house manager's work by using Goffman's theoretical framework of dramaturgic approach--The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.


