  • 期刊


Applied the Ground Penetrating Radar to the Detection of the Underground Environment


透地雷達係非破壞檢測之一新技術,可精確偵測地下管線位置,且對自來水管線、瓦斯管、電力管、電訊管及下水道等之維護,有莫大助益。 本文旨在探討使用透地雷達於道路檢測之應用及影像之研判。為便於施作,是以明新科技大學校區內之相關道路為實測區;施測項目包括地下之管線、鋼筋、孔洞及地底積水等。由於校區某些道路下已鋪設地下共同管溝且已完成整合,故本文特對此些道路進行施測及分析,以了解其下管溝之走向與施工後道路沉陷與孔洞之分佈。 本文亦將透地雷達電磁波反射之結果、資料處理後的雷達探測剖面圖及3D立體圖,分別進行比對、討論及分析,以瞭解及增進對透地雷達探測及雷達剖面圖像之辨識;以期對應用透地雷達於檢測地下管線之應用有所幫助。


Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a new technique for non-destructive testing. This emerging technology is used majorly for investigating and maintaining underground pipelines systems, including tap water systems, gas supply, power lines, communication links, and sewage systems, and many others. This paper focus on using GPR to improve road maintenance quality, specifically on the topics of the directions of the underground cable container boxes, the subterranean basins of the road and the distribution of the cavities. Several important tests are accomplished on the campus of Ming Shin University of Science and Technology (MUST), Hsin-Chu, Taiwan; since the underground cable container box of MUST is well constructed, which makes it a suitable environment for us to perform the surveying operations for our research. In particular, underground pipelines, steel bars, cavity, and subterranean basin are the items to be surveyed. The data produced by the GPR, the associated image profiling, and their three-dimension graphs are compared, discussed, and analyzed respectively. By the results of this research, we conclude that the GRP is a promising technology for cavity detection in the future.


