  • 期刊


Habitat Features and Application of Diversity Eco-engineering Methods of Fountain Canal in Taitung




In this research, a fountain type canal in Tai-tung area is selected to be investigated as a target channel called fountain canal. There are 3 discussions in habitat characteristics, improvement working and hydraulic analysis addressed up in this article. First, there are 5 biotic indices to evaluate the habitat and creature characteristics in fountain type canal. According to 4 times biology investigation data in 2006, the results show that a trend in distribution of the quantity of creatures which presents decrease from upstream to downstream. The species of fish goes average distribution; the shrimp, crab and aquatic insect species have a trend in abundance toward up and down depended on the canal from upstream to downstream. The dominance species in shrimp and crab are Candidiopotamon ratbbuni and Macrobrachium asperulum. The only most dominance species in aquatic insect is Chironomidae. And the most dominance in the species of fish is Candidia barbata and Zacco pachycephalus. Regarding to water quality in canal by biotic survey, it is determined in light pollution. Secondly, the basic aim of non- sealing in the bottom of canal is to present the characteristics. There are many biodiversity canal constructions in the natural materials mentioned in the concept of ecology maintaining. For example, bank revetments are including boulder revetments, staking and wattling works, grass revetment and groyne; groundsill works of bottom constructions are arched stone-paved grounsill and riprap works to create suitable diversity environment for aquatic habitat. However, canals need to maintain their original irrigation and drainage abilities. Finally, with hydraulic simulating to 10 years flood frequency in 1 day inflow and 5 times irrigation quantities by HEC-RAS the results prove that the working methods in ecological engineering could contain the conveyances. And concerning to safety strength of bank protecting and the channel basement stone-size, they both pass through to the safety checking. Therefore, the processes of functional check such as materials selection, working methods designs and habitat create show that the applications of ecological engineering reveal the more multiple functions than conventional engineering in concrete materials.
