  • 期刊


The Study of Infusing Environmental Issues into the Social Studies of Fourth Grade in Elementary Schools


本研究旨在探討國小社會領域課程中環境議題之融入狀況。主要目的為分析國小社會領域課程中的環境教材內涵、調查國小教師落實環境議題的教學方式,並以測驗了解國小四年級學生在各個面向環境能力的差異。課文、習作及教師手冊之內容分析,分別以「節」、「習題」及補充教材的「主題」為分析單位,累計概念類型及能力指標面向出現次數,以進行分析比較。問卷調查則採分層隨機抽樣方式,以台灣地區302名國小教師,及1,584名學生為研究對象。研究結果顯示:各版社會領域教科書,以污染問題為主要概念,次為生態保育、景觀維護及廢物處理。課本及教師手冊皆偏重環境覺知與敏感度、環境概念知識及環境價值觀與態度,習作較能兼顧環境行動技能,但環境行動經驗不足;國小教師認為最能落實環境議題之教學方式,以討論、視聽媒體、探究發現及野外實察為主;女生與都市學生具備較完整的環境能力,且女生參加環境行動的頻率顯著高於男生。 為探究九年一貫社會領域課程環境教材之概念架構,建議後續研究可分析國小高年級及國中社會領域課程環境教材內涵,以了解環境議題的連貫性、持續性及階段性,作為教材設計與教科書選用之參考依據。


This research was focused on studying how the environmental issues were infused into the social studies of elementary school. The main purposes were to analyze the environmental teaching materials in the social studies, to investigate how the teachers carry out environmental issues, and to understand the differences presented on the environmental abilities of each dimension among the 4th-grade students test. Textbooks and workbooks were analyzed by ”Section” and ”Excises”, and the supplemental materials of teacher's manuals were done by ”Theme”. The analysis was approached after summing up the times of the displayed concepts and ability indicators. The sample was consisted of 302 teachers and 1584 fourth grade students by the stratified random sampling. The conclusions were summarized as follows: 1) All versions of 4th-grade social studies mainly emphasized on pollution problems, and ecological conservation, landscape preservation, waste disposal followed. Textbooks and teacher's manuals both emphasized on environmental awareness and sensitivity, concepts and knowledge, values and attitude. Workbooks noted more about environmental action skills, but less cared about environmental action experiences; 2) Teachers believed that the best teaching methods when carrying out the environmental issues were discussing, audio-visual media, inquiry and discovery, and field survey; 3) Girls and urban students are capable with more complete environmental abilities. And girls presented higher frequency than boys in attending environmental actions. In order to find out the framework of environmental concepts included in the social studies of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The researcher suggested to analyze the environmental issues included in the social studies of 5th and 6th grades of elementary school and also junior high school, which can understand the coherence, continuance and gradation of the environmental issues inside, and could offer a reference when design the environmental materials and select the textbooks in the future.


