  • 期刊


The Relationship between Constructive Change and Contract Stipulation in the Construction Phase of Taiwan's Project


我國在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,國內營建市場逐漸走向國際化,惟合約之訂定仍使用制式合約,且合約內容大多偏向業主。在此情況之下,工程爭議與工程訴訟日漸增多。由於法律意識逐漸抬頭,因此爭議處理已成為目前營建業中極重要的一環。再進一步探討爭議的成因,其中有一大部分是來自於工程變更所造成之合約變更。在合約變更的類型中又以擬制變更最易造成工程爭議。未來的工程爭議處理中不論使用何種解決爭議之方法,最後均會增加無形或有形之成本。故本研究在於探討擬制變更之構成及追求合約之公平性,進而減少因爭議所增加之社會成本。 本研究鑑於現今工程契約中,對於擬制變更的定位與適用尚不明確,而其責任之歸屬亦經常難以釐清。加上合約條文語意模糊之處,極有可能形成日後工程糾紛之根源。因此,本研究首先經由文獻整理歸納出國內外對擬制變更之觀點與論述,再以公共工程委員會之工程採購契約為藍本,選擇出極有可能造成擬制變更之條文。並將所篩選出之條文以FSM(Fuzzy Structural Model)分析其與擬制變更類型之強弱關係,並繪出關係階層構造圖。最後針對易有爭議之合約條文依所出現之階層構造整理其對擬制變更之影響百分比,供訂約人在締約時之参考,以減少日後工程糾紛之發生。


擬制變更 合約 爭議 模糊結構法


Basically, constructive change is the informal change order by the instruction from client or the ambiguous contract stipulation concerning with the construction work, which work is normally not identify in the construction contract. Recently, constructive change is one of the main reasons occur the dispute between the client and contractor. Because the condition concerning with constructive change is not clear and difficult to be proved. Until now, the studies which discuss the relationship with the contract stipulation and resolution for the constructive change are very few. In this study, the types of constructive change are categorized by discussing with experienced jobsite managers and past studies. And, the comparison of the relation between these types and contract of public project is made to pick out the contract stipulations which are mainly concerning with the constructive change. Then, the FSM (Fuzzy Structural Model) is used to describe the relationship structures of these types. The main purpose of this study is to make clear the ambiguous stipulation of contract and to reduce the disputes in the construction project.


