  • 期刊


Introducing the Application of a Short Quiz on Aging Facts: References Review and an Exploratory Study


台灣人口日漸老化,已達世界衛生組織「老化國家」之林。此一趨勢使得為老年人服務之工作者日漸增加,與老年人互動的機會也日益頻繁。針對為老年服務的從業者而言,對於老年人有正確的基本知識與態度,應是工作品質的要素與前提。一份老年知識問卷,做為測量工具,應有其必要性。本文引介Palmore (1977)發展的一份短式老年知識問卷,其涵蓋老年知識的生理、心理及社會層面,以及較常產生錯誤觀點的相關問題,可作為測量工具,測試相關人員對老年知識的認識程度。其主要功能包括:一、可做為刺激工作人員討論和釐清不正確觀念之基礎工具;二、測量及比較不同工作族群對於老年相關知識的認識程度;三、幫助確認哪些是最常見老年相關知識的不正確觀念;四、可間接測量工作人員對於老年人觀念之偏差;五、還可用以作為相關課程或訓練前後效果的比較。 本研究應用此一短式問卷之設計,針對不同族群,分為學生(students)與工作人員(faculty)兩大類,測量其對老年知識的認識程度、主要的觀念偏差;分析其間異同和正負向偏差之強度等。研究結果顯示,不同受測族群之平均得分,以二技在職生的平均得分最高,其次依序為醫院工作人員、大一學生。整體而言,本研究發現不同受測族群對老年觀念均傾向於負向偏差。結論:本問卷的發展,頗具意義且用途廣泛,可做為老年服務的從業者相關教育訓練及課程安排之參考。期能藉此加強國人對老年知識之重視,為老年服務的從業者能以最正確的知識與態度,為日漸增多的老年人提供更高品質的服務。


老年人 知識 測量工具 問卷 正負向偏差


Taiwan's population is aging and has reached the standard of ”aging society” defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). This tendency increases the opportunities of working for elderly people and also the interactions between the workers and the elderly. A test on aging should be necessary and could be used as a tool of measurement. This article introduced a short, factual, and documented quiz that covered the basic physical, mental and social facts and frequent misconceptions about aging, developed by Palmore in 1977. The main functions of this quiz include: 1) as a stimulus for group discussion and clarification of misconceptions; 2) to measure and compare different group's overall levels of information about aging.; 3) to identify the most frequent misconceptions about aging; 4) as an indirect measure of bias toward the aged; 5) to measure the effects of lectures, courses, or other training experiences by comparing before and after scores. This study used this short quiz, measuring on the different groups of people, mainly the students and the working staff, to understand their levels of knowledge about elderly people. The results of this research found that students of the special course for professional staff got the highest score, and then was the working staff and students of the first year undergraduates. In general, all kinds of the respondents in this study tended to have the anti-age errors. In summary, this short quiz is important in its meaning and ways to applications, it could be an important tool to measure the effects of courses or training materials or to measure changes in information or biases over time. It is hoped that we could increasingly pay our regards to elderly people and the knowledge about aging, and provide them the right services with good quality.


elderly people knowledge measurement quiz pro-/anti-age error


