  • 期刊

The Stories of Hours: The Reconfigured Texts in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Michael Cunningham's The Hours



這篇論文是作者八十九學年度上半期,在英國語文學研究所開設之單學期課程-『後現代小說中的文學共典與女性主義』-的個案研究之一。當初之所以會選擇包括麥可•康寧漢的《時時刻刻》等七本後現代小說做為教學及研究的對象,是因著些許風雅的文字因緣。作者在美國念比較文學博士班時(1991-1995),曾受業於英文系教授David Cowart門下。他於1993年所出版的《文學共典》一書,以探討許多二十世紀文學作品的主/客體文本為引,鋪陳出後現代理論所持續演示的文本與互文、詮釋與典律、權威與顛覆、解構與建構論述等等比較文學與文化研究的議題。這本著作對於教學及研究效應的全面性、多樣性、與衍生性,在David Cowart 1993年開設的『大戰後的美國小說』,以及作者在世紀末最後一個冬季所開設的『後現代小說中的文學共典與女性主義』課堂上,都曾凝聚師生們剎那的靈動,各自斐然成章。另方面在2000年六月中旬,某出版社為配合麥可•康寧漢1999年甫獲普立茲小說獎的《時時刻刻》之中譯本的發行,十分難能可貴地也譯介了該書的主體文本一維吉尼亞•吳爾芙的經典《戴洛維夫人》,並請筆者撰述此書導讀一「尋覓流動心靈的津渡」一文,成就另一吉光片羽。本文即是以David Cowart的論述爲基礎,主題符號研究為經絡,從三個女人的故事出發,剖析維占尼亞•吳爾芙的《戴洛維夫人》與麥可•康寧漢的《時時刻刻》二書間的重塑互文,以及兩旁共同著墨/魔定位的孤寂彼岸。




This essay is derived from one of the case studies comprising in ”Intertextuality and Feminism in Postmodern Fiction”, a graduate course that the present writer offered at Fall Semester of the 2000(superscript th) Academic Year in the Graduate Institute of English Literature at Chinese Culture University^1. Our discussions focused largely on what David Cowart calls ”host” and ”guest” texts, and with somewhat greater emphasis on the dynamics of contemporary literary renewal. Michael Cunningham's The Hours was chosen to be included in the seven postmodern fictions researched and lectured in the very semester because the lecturer of this course was invited to write an annotated preface to the Chinese translation edition of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, the ”host text” of The Hours, when the ”guest text” itself was awarded the 1999(superscript th) Pulitzer Prize for Fiction^2. The present study examines the reconfigured texts in Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours in the base of David Cowart's theories and reveals the three women's stories of hours that display the fundamental solitude in the face of disaster and despair.


