  • 期刊


Teaching EIL to English Learners in Taiwan


本文首先指出國內英語學習者刻意模仿英語母語使用者 (native speakers of English)錯的心態。事實上,因爲生理、語言學習過程、以及社會文化和心理等因素,臺灣的英語學習者要說「道地的」(native-like)的英語或美語是不切實際,且沒必要的。再者,因爲全球化及英研擴散的結果,使用英語的對象已不限於母語使用者,非母語英語使用者(non-native speakers of English)也因國際交流而流而互通頻繁。也因此臺灣的英語學習者較以往有更多的機會和非母語使用者交流溝通。爲培養學生在國際交流中實際運用英語的能力,英語教學應提供學生接觸及使用「國際英語」(English as an International Language,EIL)的機會。首先,基於英語單一形式的瓦解.所謂「道地的」(native-like)英語不應是學習英語最重要的目標。學生應藉由多元的英語教材,接觸體驗不同形式的英語,以爲實際溝通的準備。而爲達對國際上互通的效果,教學上應著重核心英語知識(core items)的學習及使用,腔調(accent)的教學則無必要。在溝通上,學生應培養開放調適的態度,學習適時配合對方調整本身溝通的方式。教師本身,則不論是本國籍或外同籍老師,都應努力成爲一個「國際英語」的使用者,以提供學生學習「國際英語」多重的模式。


This paper argues against the myths that English L2 learners should learn to speak like a native speaker of English and that the speech of native speakers is an invariable model for L2 learners. It is argued that with biological and psycholinguistic constraints as well as socio-psychological needs, the goal for an accent-free, native-like speech of L2 learners of English is virtually unattainable and may be undesirable. Further, with widespread diffusion of English as an international language (henceforth EIL), English learners and users in Taiwan have more chances than ever to contact not only native speakers but also nonnative speakers of English. To become efficient communicators of English in international communities, learners need to be provided with opportunities to develop abilities for understanding and producing internationally intelligible English. It is suggested that a polymodel approach in terms of language model should be adopted to take into account the variability of EIL. Specific instructions for developing learners' ability for producing intelligible speech in English should come from systematic investigating of the actual use of English of Chinese learners. Classroom instructions should focus on teaching the core items that have bearing on international intelligibility of EIL, cultivating learners' accommodating manner, and maximizing learners' exposure to diverse varieties of English. M English teacher, be s/he a native or nonnative speaker, should strive to provide for students an educated speaker model, which serves as not only a source of particular variety of English but also a viable model for learners to emulate.


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