  • 期刊

Language Transfer of Sentence Structure in Chinese English Bilinguals



本研究目的走在研討中英雙語者關係子句的語言轉移型態。根據外語-英語的精通程度,參與此研究的人被分成兩組:一組是屬於語言能力較好者,另一組則是屬於語官能力較弱者。參與者接受中英文兩種語言的測試,研究結果指出向前轉移(forward transfer)出現在語言能力較弱的一組,而不是在語言能力較好的一組。語官能力較好的一組則是呈現出語言融合(amalgamation)的現象。此現象是因為與母語-中文做比較,語言能力較好者有比較多時間使用外語-英語,同時也有較長時間住在外語環境裹。因此。語言能力的不同呈現出的語言轉移型態也並不相同。


The aim of this study is to investigate the patterns of language transfer in relative clauses in Chinese-English bilinguals. On the basis of their L2 proficiency, two groups of bilinguals-more fluent bilinguals and less fluent bilinguals-particpated in this study. Tests in Chinese and English were provided. The results of this study indicated that forward transfer appears in less fluent bilinguals but not in more fluent bilinguals. More fluent bilinguals have a tendency toward amalgamation. This is due to a greater amount of the use of L2 and a longer period of time of L2 exposure than that of L1 Thus, because of their differences in language proficiency. there appears a different type of language transfer. Issues of L2 exposure and the loss of L1 are discussed, together with some suggestions regarding a new direction for future research in language transfer in bilinguals.


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