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Culture, Philosophy and Strategy


在冷戰時代,全球政治呈兩極發展,以美國為首的民主集團與蘇聯為首的共產集團,雙方壁壘分明,兩極對立,自1991年蘇聯解體以後,冷戰時代遂告結束,在後冷戰時期,國際政治雖是「一超多強」的格局,美國以「單邊主義」企圖主宰全球國際秩序,但隨著中共的崛起,俄羅斯國力的復興,與印度國力的增強,再加日本與歐盟及回教世界的興起,美國哈佛大學教授杭亭頓(Samuel P. Huntington)在《文明衝突與世界秩序的重建》(The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World onder)一書中提出「在後冷戰世界,全球政治有史以來呈多極與多元文明的發展。」,現今世界有六大文明,即西方文明、中國文明、回教文明、日本文明、俄羅斯文明及印度文明,季辛吉亦曾言「20世紀的國際政治制度至少包括六大強權,即美國、歐洲、中國、日本、俄羅斯,也許再加上印度,至於中小型國家則是多元發展。」,季辛吉所言的六大強權剛好屬於上述六大文明中的五大文明(美國與歐洲同屬西方文明),加上回教文明,則為六大文明,在2001年「911」恐怖攻擊事件後,美國獨霸全球的「單極」時代將會被「多極」所取代,21世紀全球政治的格局,將是朝「多極並立」發展,本文即在分析當前六大文明的內涵與其戰略思想,證明以天道、人道、中道、王道為內涵的中國文明,與傳統中國「積極防禦」的國家戰略,將是維繫21世紀秩序的主要支柱,而中共的「和平發展」也不會對週邊國家造成威脅。


文化 哲學 戰略 地緣政治 文明衝突 和平發展


In the era of the Cold War, the whole world was bipolarized. On the one hand, there was a democratic group led by the United States. One the other hand, there was a camp of communism headed by the Soviet Union. In 1991, the Cold War was ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the post-Cold War period, the international politics is characterized by a structure of ”one superpower and many powers.” The United States tried to master the international order with its ”unilateralism.” But, the rising of China, the resurrection of Russia, the shot up of India, and the coming to power of Japan, the European Union and the Muslin world showed us that the clash of civilizations could be a new issue for our world. In his book The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order, Samuel P. Huntington points out that, in the post-Cold War world, the global politics has presented a predominantly development of multipolarity and multi-civilizations. There are six great cultures: Western culture, Chinese culture, Muslin culture, Japanese culture, Russian culture and Indian culture, in this world. Henry Kissinger also points out that there are at least six great powers: the United States, Europe, China, Japan, Russia, and probably India in 20th century world politics. After 911 terrorist attacks in 2001, the American hegemony of unipolarity was replaced by a multipolar world. This essay attempts to analyze the contents and strategies of six great cultures. It also attempts to prove that Chinese culture and its positive defense strategy will be an important pillar for supporting the present world order. Accordingly, China's peaceful development strategy should not be a threat to its neighbors.




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