  • 期刊


Methods for Designing and Explaining Exercise Prescription


運動處方理論及實用文獻都極少具體論述或提示處方箋的編製方法。然而,運動處方的編製方法卻是運動教練、指導員,甚至是研究者極重要的專業知能,因此引起本文從“何謂編製方法、編製方法種類及屬性、編製方法的角色與功能”三個面向作解釋,最後定義運動處方的編製方法,盼本文內容對運動教練、指導員能有實質貢獻,更盼學者專家批評指正,以下為重要結語: 一、編製方法定義:導出運動教練或指導員的思想觀點與運動處方專業知能,以及連結思想觀點與專業知能,理性客觀編出處方箋的方法。 二、編製方法種類與屬性:編製方法可分為論理學、形上學、理性客觀方法三大類。 形上學部分是看不見的方法,旨在導出處方箋編製者的思想觀點;論理學部分是運動處方專業知能中可供編製者應用來編製處方箋的理論,具有專業上普遍共通的特徵;理性客觀方法的特徵為適用於處理各種專業課題,屬於編製方法中共通的、共同認定的方法,為各行業研究或處理思想觀點與專業知能的普遍方法。 三、編製方法角色與功能:編製方法扮演提供運動教練結合經驗與理論來編製處方箋的角色,其功能為運動教練在編製運動處方時,結合經驗與理論的工具。


Theories and practical journals for exercise prescription rarely talk specifically or point out the methods on how prescriptions are designed. However, it is important to have professional knowledge for professional exercise coaches, instructors, and even researchers. Therefore, the article tends to explain from three dimensions: ”the methods of prescription making”, ”kinds of methods and attributes used”, and ”the roles and functions of methods”, then finally to define methods on how exercise prescription should be made. Hoping this article can make some contributions for exercise coaches and instructors. Moreover, scholars and professionals can have helpful suggestions. Important conclusions are as followed: 1. Establish method definition: Derive from the standpoint of exercise coaches or instructors and knowledge on prescriptions, to make prescriptions rationally and objectively. 2. Categories on establishment methods and attributes: Establishment methods can be categorized into logic, metaphysics, and rational objective method. Metaphysics is a method that cannot be seen, and its purpose is to derive the viewpoints of prescription organizer. Logic is, in the knowledge for exercise prescription, to provide prescription makers theories that may applied in prescription making, and it's with common characteristics. As with rationally and objectively method, its characteristic is, it's suitable in process for each specialize topic, it belongs to common, recognized methods, and it's commonly used by all professions of all fields. 3. Roles in Designing methods and functions: Various methods play the role of providing exercise coaches to combine their experiences with theories, in order to make prescriptions, and its function is a tool that help coaches to combine experiences with theories.


