  • 期刊


A Comparative Study on the Learning Effects of the Penhold Grip and the Handshake Grip for the Forehand Attack




桌球 直拍 橫拍 正手攻球


This study aims to compare the learning effects of the penhold grip and the handshake grip for the forehand attack. In this study, the teaching unit is the forehand attack of the penhold grip and the handshake grip. The subjects are one hundred and forty-six freshmen (male and female) from three four-year undergraduate classes in the first semester of the ninety-sixth academic year in Ling Tung University. This test is to study students' learning effects of the penhold grip and the handshake grip for the forehand attack. Before learning, the subjects can choose suitable paddles for themselves as they please to. The researchers' statistics show that eighty-one subjects choose the penhold grip and sixty-five subjects choose the handshake grip. It is apparent that the number of the students who use the penhold grip is higher than that of those who use the handshake grip. There are three reasons for this. First, the subjects do not know much about the advantages and disadvantages of these two grips. Second, the subjects are all beginners. Third, their choices are ethnically related to their eating habits; the way Orientals hold the chopsticks to eat rice is similar to the penhold grip. The study shows that before learning there are some differences in the ways players place their fingers for both the penhold grip and the handshake grip. In performing the forehand attack, students wave upward and chop downward; there are too many unreasonable movements to enumerate. The result of this study shows that before learning there are no differences between these two kinds of grips. After learning, the result shows that both the students who use the penhold grip and those who use the handshake grip make great progress. Most of the students can perform reasonable movements. Besides, as for the learning effects of the forehand attack, this study does not conclude which grip is better, nor does it show any notable differences between the penhold grip and the handshake grip. The purpose of this study is to investigate how to improve the subjects' movements for forehand attacks.
