  • 期刊


The Study of Marketing Strategies for Sport Club on Taroko Sport Center


為因應市場趨勢,本研究主要動機在於找出運動休閒中心行銷理論、策略,並深入探討分析後,整理出具體的行銷策略。因此,本研究透過探討大魯閣運動休閒中心之行經營型態及行銷分析,更進一步發展出一套能夠增加營業收入並長久獲利之行銷策略,以利企業永續發展。本研究採用文獻分析法,先蒐集相關資料與過去研究的結果作為推論之依據,並利用 SWOT分析、7P行銷組合策略分析、波特市場競爭五力分析法對該公司的經營模式進行探討。將所蒐集的資料文獻加以整理、歸納、分析後,所得知結果希望能對該公司及相關企業提出實際之行銷策略。


In accordance to the trend of the market environment, the purpose of this study aimed to identify the marketing theories and strategies for sport club, then to analyze these theories and strategies, further to reorganize a practical marketing strategy. By using the Taroko sports and leisure center as a case, this study was trying to generate a suitable marketing strategies model which can effectively increase sales income and long term operating method. A literature analytic method was used in this study. The relevant data and the results of previous studies were collected as example of inference, the SWOT analysis, Bitner's 7 marketing strategy proposed by Booms and Bitner, and Michael Porter's Five Forces Analysis methods were used to evaluate the advantage and disadvantage of Taroko sport center. Finally, a suggestion for the company was proposed.
