  • 期刊


Investigation of Green Marketing Tools' Effect on Willingness-to-Pay from Consumer: An Analytical Case of Sports Facilities Purchasing


生態平衡與環境永續得以實現的關鍵在於企業與消費者是否願意參與環境保護活動,肩負起日益受到重視的環境管理之社會責任。再加上,國人對運動觀念日益重視,運動器材/設備的訴求也逐漸增加,因此,本研究以具有羽球器材/設備消費經驗的消費者作為研究對象,以消費者對環保廣告、環保標章與環保品牌等行銷工具的認知,探討消費者不同的認知水準對不同訴求的運動器材/設備產品願付價格的行為。目的旨在瞭解綠色行銷策略對於消費者選購環保運動器材/設備的影響。本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料之蒐集,其中總共發放250份問卷,共計回收179份問卷,回收率72%;經刪除無效問卷47份,有效問卷合計132份,樣本有效率約為53%。實證分析則採用SPSS 17.0 版之統計分析軟體。主要結果發現,當消費者對於企業環保廣告、環保標章及環保品牌等行銷工具的認知不同時,確實影響消費者對不同訴求的羽球器材/設備產品願付價格的行為。其中,以「環保材質且具有環保標章」之羽球器材/設備、「為環保材質且又為環保品牌」之羽球器材/設備兩者,比較會改變消費者綠色消費行為。此外,消費者對於環保廣告、環保標章及環保品牌等行銷工具的認知程度不同時,也有顯著不同的願付價格。更明確地說,環保廣告認知高之消費者其願付價格顯著高於環保廣告認知低消費者的願付價格;環保標章認知高之消費者其願付價格亦顯著高於環保標章認知低的消費者願付價格;而環保品牌認知高之消費者其願付價格也顯著高於環保品牌認知低的消費者願付價格。由此可見,消費者其不同的綠色行銷認知,會產生不同的消費行為。


In recent years, environmental issue has gradually been concerned in purchasing and practiced into business strategy. People also have started to pay attention on environmental protection related information and begun to implement the green consumption to protect the environment. This research conducted questionnaire surveys, which completed by customers who had experience consuming sports products in middle of Taiwan, aiming to investigate the green marketing tools' effect on consumers' willing to pay. A total of 250 questionnaires are distributed, 132 pieces of usable data were obtained finally after deleting missing data. In this research we used SPSS 17.0 to probe hypothesis research. The empirical results indicate that the cognitive of environmental advertisement, eco-label, and eco-brand has different effect on consumers' behaviors. More specifically, consumers with high cognitive of environmental advertisement tend to purchase green sports facilities than those consumers with low cognitive of environmental advertisement. And, consumers with high cognitive of eco-label tend to purchase green sports facilities than those consumers with low cognitive of eco-label. Finally, consumers with high cognitive of eco-brand tend to purchase green sports facilities than those consumers with low cognitive of eco-brand.
