



This paper aims to discuss the loop skills in table tennis. The loop skills are so complicated that they include pen-hold forehand loop, pen-hold backhand loop, shake-hand forehand loop, and shake-hand backhand loop. Nowadays, table tennis players from every country have made great achievements by creating various loop skills based on their own playing techniques. Attacking the backspin balls is one of the most important basic skills. In the real games, almost all the ways of attacking start from attacking the backspin balls. In order to enter the competitions earlier, many table tennis lovers cannot wait to practice driving the backspin balls, but to take an untimely training for harder skills cannot grasp the stability of the movements. What the learners learned is so superficial that they cannot grasp the kernel of the skill. Therefore, the coordination of batting movements -the linking of the legs, waist, and hands- should be emphasized. When driving a loop ball, the coordination of every part of the body is highly required. The hitting point, the controlling of the loop curve, and the footwork play a vital part in every kinds of skills in table tennis.


table tennis forehand loop backhand loop

