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Microstructure Analysis and Photoelectronic Properties of Porous Silicon


本論文以半導體材料-單晶矽(crystalline silicon)為基材,經由電化學蝕刻的方式,矽經蝕刻後表面會產生極微小孔狀結構,稱之為多孔矽(Porous silicon)。並且探討多孔矽的光電特性、微結構上的分析及其應用。實驗中,以自製的蝕刻設備,將鐵氟龍、O-ring(防溢墊圈)及黃金電極組合成為防酸設備。單晶矽在經電化學蝕刻後,表面形成極微小孔洞,經過UV燈的照射下,多孔矽會有光激發光的現象,並且將試片進入爐管的退火(Annealing),觀察在高溫下的多孔矽結構的變化。再透過場發射電子顯微鏡(FESEM)、Ⅰ-Ⅴ電性量測及光激發光譜儀(PL)進行分析。本實驗使用N型(100)及P型(100)的單晶矽,並且改變各種參數來探討其微結構、電性及發光特性。


In this study, porous silicon films are fabricated by electrochemical etching on crystalline silicon substrates. The microstructures of porous silicon films are analyzed. Also, the unique photoelectronic properties and their applications are researched. Using electrochemical etching equipment with O-rings, electrodes, teflon tubes and plates, crystalline silicon can be etched to form a porous film. Under an ultraviolet light illumination, the porous silicon samples have strong photoluminescence (PL) properties. When the porous silicon film was annealed in the temperature range of 700-840℃, some structure variations are observed. In our experiment, the micorstructure of porous silicon films are analyzed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), photoluminescence spectrometer (PL) and semiconductor devices parameter measurement system.
