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On the Electrochemical Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation of Mg2Ni1-xCux (x = 0.0, 0.4, 1.0) Alloys in 6M KOH Solution by Cyclic Voltammetry


本研究採用Isothermal Evaporation Casting Process專利製程所合成的Mg2Ni1-xCux儲氫合金(x = 0.0, 0.4, 1.0)試片,浸泡於6M KOH水溶液中,進行電化學吸、放氫行為之研究;結果顯示:不同濃度Cu添加至Mg2Ni合金中,對於Mg2Ni合金的電化學吸、放氫性能有明顯影響。利用循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry, CV)可以解析Mg2Ni1-xCux合金的電化學吸、放氫行為。由CV曲線圖譜顯示:以Mg2Ni0.6Cu0.4合金在-0.65V(vs. SHE)的峰值最大,顯然此一含銅合金在6M KOH溶液中的釋氫量最大,此結果與定電位放氫試驗的結果一致。CV陰極還原電流會隨著合金中Cu濃度之增加而下降,顯示合金中含銅愈高,其催化氫還原能力愈差。就CV圖譜解析,顯示此鎂、鎳、銅合金在電化學吸、放氫反應過程中,發生結構性之改變及氧化現象,於長期持續使用時會有衰退之行為。若以掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察試片表面形貌變化,並以能譜儀(EDS)進行元素分析,結果得知:上述合金在電化學試驗後表面會生成氧化物/氫氧化物沈積,在放電實驗後,合金表面的氧元素比例增加。X光光電子能譜儀(XPS)可以分析合金表面元素在電化學測試前後之化學狀態,結果顯示:合金中鎂、鎳、銅三種元素在實驗後,氧化成Mg(OH) 2、Ni(OH) 2和Cu(OH)2等氫氧化物,逐漸失去吸、放氫之能力。


電化學吸 放氫 鎂鎳銅合金 循環伏安法 SEM EDS XPS


Alloying powders such as Mg2Ni, Mg2Cu and Mg2Ni0.6Cu0.4prepared by a patent technique named isothermal evaporation casting process (IECP) were considered as candidates of hydrogen-storage materials. Their electrochemical hydrogenation and dehydrogenation in 6M KOH solution was investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) in this work. The results of CV indicated that copper addition in the Mg-Ni alloys leads to a pronounced change on their electrochemical performance. The cyclic voltammogram of Mg2Ni0.6Cu0.4reveals a huge oxidation peak at -0.65V (Vs. SHE) that is responsible for electrochemical dehydrogenation. The EDS and XPS results show that oxide and hydroxide (i.e., Mg(OH)2, Ni(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2) were covered on the surface of alloys after electrochemical hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, and cause a decline in the ability.
