  • 期刊


The Revelations of Chinese Words Were Expressed in the Argument of Linguistic Arbitrary


本論文旨在討論語言符號的任意性問題。自瑞士語言學家德•索緒爾(Ferdinard de Saussure)提出語言符號任意性的說法,就有許多人持反對意見。為了較全面討論這個問題,本論文加人了漢字問題的討論,而非只是以西方拼音文字為主。本文以黃永武教授的〈形聲多兼會意考〉為中國學者中探尋漢字音義關係的代表,而西方則是以瑪格麗特•梅格尼絲(Margaret Magnus)的博士論文為代表,說明這樣的努力並無法證明文字的非任意性或可論證性。論文後半部分則以文字的透義性以及心理學中人類產生永久記億的特性,來說明概念化及其化約的必然性,並依此說明文化的擇取與歷史的偶然性,使得文字符號與其意義問並無法有一種建立在自然法則上的必然關聯,如此一來,非任意性與可論證性的說法就不能成立,這也同時證明了語言符號任意性的正確性。


Since the linguistic arbitrary was raised from Ferdinard De Saussure, many scholars was not agree his aspect. In order to discuss this question widely, this paper deals with the study of the correlation between Chinese word's form and meaning, instead of studied primarily of alphabetize words as English is before. I mentioned Professor Hwang Yong-Wu's(黃永武) aspects which were in his paper entitled 'A study of that most shape-phonetics(形聲) words are the meeting of idea(會意) words also(形聲多兼會意考)' published in 1965, and cite the examples from Doctor Margaret Magnus's paper which entitled 'W hat's in a Word? Studies in Phonosemantics'. At last place, this paper argues that the correlation between the pronunciation of a word and its meaning is on1 a kind of historical trace, and any proof of the regular correlation between both will fail in the end.


Arbitrary Shap-phonetics Bhonosemantics
