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Research on Graphic and Text Narrative Creation of Local Cultural Industry in Fishing Villages: A case study of Picture Books Depicting Torch Light Net Fishboats in Badouzi




Badouzi is a fishing village located at the northeastern corner of Chongzheng District, Keelung City. The shore area of the region is rich with a variety of landforms; moreover, as the region is surrounded by the longshore currents along the north coast and the seasonal wind flows, it has formed an environment composed of special and varied types of fishing grounds. As Badouzi also enjoys an advantage of terrain as a sheltering harbor due to its peninsula landform, it has become an important fishery region in Northern Taiwan. Torch light net fishing is the most iconic fishing method in Badouzi. With new fishing gears and fishing technology brought in by the large number of immigrants during the Qing Dynasty, the introduction of machines during the Japanese colonial period, and the construction and development of fishing villages since the recession of Taiwan, the fishing lamp gears used in torch light net fishing have continuously improved. Therefore, the effectiveness of fish-luring and fishing efficiency has both gradually increased. This laid the favorable foundation of fishery and economic development in Badouzi. In recent years, yield of catch has decreased due to global warming, which led to fierce competition within the fishery industry. Furthermore, the aging of labor force population has accelerated the decay and decline of the fishery industry. The deterioration in the development of fishing villages and the changes in their overall environment have driven the traditional villages onto the crossroad of economic transformation. This study aims to design and create a series ofcultural and creative picture books themed with the torch light net fishery in Badouzi region. First, This project conducts field works to interview, record, analyze, and understand the operating mode of torch light net fishery. Second, it compiles the rich and varied features of torch light net fishery and fishing methods as the content and knowledge of the picture books. Finally, it considers the readers' cognitive and reading characteristics and accordingly modified the design, base on which the 3-dimensional interactive picture books that carry the features of fishing villages in Badouzi shall be created. The purpose of the project is to transform the characteristic symbols of torch-light-net-fishery resources and the fishing villages' cultural significance into products of cultural and creative picture books, to endow the local industries with new reading imagery, and to promote the knowledge transmission of the villages' fishing methods. It is hoped that the effort can introduce a new development of knowledge-value industry based on the local cultural features of fishing villages and promote the local revitalization along with a sustainable development of fishing village culture.


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何春蓀( 1975)。臺灣地質概論─臺灣地質圖說明書,新北市:經濟部中央地質調查所。
