  • 期刊


Positive Law and Subjective Values: The Administration of Constitutional Functions Based upon Human Rights under the Paradigm of International Law


本文以傳統國際法理論所代表的「典範」為主軸,在簡要地描述其本質、特徵,以及由此而生的問題之後,以「典範轉移(paradigm shift)是否發生」作為分析國際法規範基礎是否發生改變的模型。在證明典範並未發生轉移之後,則嘗試透過既有的規範架構,提出國際法如何透過傳統典範的體現,來追求當代的目標。方法論上的修正,是在既有的規範框架與操作模式之下,拋開形式主義的束縛,進入規則背後的規範性表述與價值理念。並利用「國家同意」,作為調合「國家價值」與「個人價值」,以及「表述」與「實現」人權價值的工具。進而,在國內的民主憲政社會之外,可能形成一個以人權作為價值導引的憲政主義,以及一個透過人權行使憲政功能的國際社會。最後,則以相關結論以及對人與國家的重新思考,作為本文結語。


This essay used 'paradigm' to connote the traditional international theory. To begin, Part II and III described briefly the nature, characteristics and problems derived from traditional international theory. Then, Part IV used the model of 'paradigm shift' to analyze the possibility of international normative framework to shift its ground, and got a negative answer to the question. Be an alternative to it, and due to the necessity of pursuing contemporary aims under the vested paradigm, Part V demonstrated that it's possible to shake off formalism and delve into the normative values behind the rules. Meanwhile, States' consent may be a means to 'materialize' human rights values and 'harmonize' States' and individuals' values. To go a step further, Part VI brought up two propositions-human rights may lead to the status of international constitutionalism, and the international society may function constitutionally. The concluding remarks and the rethinking on individuals and States are the final.


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