  • 期刊


Media Ownership, Viewpoint Diversity and Free Speech: Some Observations from U.S. Jurisprudence


關於媒體市場和言論自由關係的討論,傳統上均集中在規模龐大的媒體集團所帶來的疑慮:大型媒體可能挾帶其市場地位,壟斷資訊和內容的產製和傳播管道,成為一般大眾取得重要資訊或觀點的阻礙,所以,在不觸及言論內容或觀點管制的前提下,應該從媒體市場的結構管制著手,設法防止媒體所有權集中化,促成觀點多元化,往往便成了政府要求分散媒體所有權的正當性基礎。本文將以憲法保障言論自由和新聞自由的分析當做主軸,檢視美國法制在處理媒體所有權分散和觀點多元化此一議題時,所遭遇的主要爭議為何。本文從Edwin Baker針對媒體所有權集中化規範所提出的理論談起,說明媒體集中化現象對於言論自由和民主政治究竟產生怎樣的影響。接著,本文將以美國通訊傳播法制的管制歷史為對象,說明行政管制機關和法院在面對媒體所有權規範問題時,是基於何種理論立場做出決定,而這些決定,具有哪些特色,又出現了哪些瑕疵。在分析了美國通訊傳播法制上關於媒體所有權規範的實務發展之後,本文將回到理論層次,說明怎樣的言論自由理論或民主理論,比較適合做為規範媒體市場所有權的理論基礎,最後則以數個觀察心得做為本文結論。本文認為:意見市場此一隱喻和規範模式,對於觀點多元化的促進,難竟其功,另外從其他民主理論的論述中尋求其他可行的出路,將是決定媒體所有權規範未來的關鍵,而在目前所有的民主理論中,Baker所提出的複雜民主理論,則是可以幫助我們理解媒體市場之「結構管制」如何有助於追求「觀點多元化」(viewpoint diversity),據以型塑民主社會的理想媒體樣貌。


The discussion on the interaction of media markets and free speech has long focused upon how corporate control of media will lead to the monopolization in production and distribution channels of information and content, as well as lead to the result of denying the public's access to important information and viewpoints. Consequently, it is crucial to explore how the structure regulations imposed upon media markets can prevent media consolidation, promote viewpoint diversity, and justify media ownership limits. With its observations on U.S. regulatory history, in Part II this Paper analyzes the free speech implications of media ownership regulations in promoting viewpoint diversity while introducing Edwin Baker's complex democracy theory and its explanation on the impact of media concentration upon free speech and democratic values. In Part III, this Paper discusses how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Congress, and the courts in U.S.A. tackle with media concentration issues. By an analysis of decisions made for the past two decades, Part III shows that the FCC's attempt to find the ”optimal number” of media outlets which it assumes will create a sufficient diversity of viewpoints is a failure. Part IV of this Paper explores the reasons for FCC's failure in media ownership regulation and argues that using ”marketplace of ideas” metaphor to guide regulatory policy confuses the social and economic goals the First Amendment is supposed to pursues. This Paper concludes that the ”marketplace of ideas” metaphor is a flawed justification for media ownership limits and won't work for the promotion of viewpoint diversity. Rather than attempting to identify the optimal number of media outlets, we shall shift the theoretical focus of this debate toward the strengthening of the vital function the media plays in a democratic society so that a balanced future of media ownership regulatory scheme can be created.


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