  • 期刊


Rethinking the Jurisdiction of Status Offenses




少年 虞犯 國家親權 父母權威 社會防衛 教育 福利 程序權


Before our present juvenile law was enacted, there was an intense debate between those who advocated for court trials for status offenders, and those who thought such cases should be referred to educational or social institutions. The policy adopted was the court approach, and, even after several revisions, the law remains basically the same today. This article argues that it is bad policy to subject status offenders to a court process, because this means treating status offenses and delinquencies as if they were on the same level, which can lead to incarceration for status offences even though they are not crimes. Far better to regard status offenders as reformable young persons, educating and rehabilitating them in the hope of their becoming useful members of society. Even if the present policy were to be upheld, there is need to establish a better process to protect the procedural rights of those accused.


湯德宗(2009)。〈大法官釋字第664 號解釋評析〉,《法令月刊》,60 卷12 期,頁4-26。(Dennis Te-Chung Tang [2009]. Commentary on Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 664. Law Monthly, 60[12], 4-26.)
Board of Directors of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (1978). Jurisdiction over status offenses should be removed from the juvenile court: A policy statement. In R. Allinson (Ed.), Status offenders and the juvenile justice system (pp. 1-5). Hackensack: National Council on Crime and Delinquency. doi: 10.1177/001112877502100201
Chesney-Lind, M. (1978). Judicial paternalism and the female status offender – training women to know their place. In R. Allinson (Ed.), Status offenders and the juvenile justice system (pp. 110-119). Hackensack: National Council on Crime and Delinquency. doi:10.1177/001112877702300203
Ketcham, O. W. (1978). Why jurisdiction over status offenders should be eliminated from juvenile courts. In R. Allinson (Ed.), Status offenders and the juvenile justice system (pp. 33-50). Hackensack: National Council on Crime and Delinquency.
Kim, J. J. (2010). Left behind: The paternalistic treatment of status offenders within the juvenile justice system. Washington University Law Review, 87, 843-867.


薛巧翊(2015)。司法院釋字第664 號後虞犯制度改革之政策方針及其 合理性——以司法院少事法研修會草案為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00446
