  • 期刊


Investigation into "The Original and Sequel Chapters of Yuxi Poetic Riddles"


有關蘇雪林《玉溪詩謎正續合編》乙文中論述,晚唐詩人李商隱(八一二~八五八)曾於大和七年(八三三)崔戎幕時,在玉陽山入道學仙,並認爲與道教有關之詩作,或〈無題詩〉等,是李商隱本身之戀情,甚至是偷情史。 本論提出李商隱在少年時,在地緣上不可能有入道學仙之時間,甚至在崔戎幕的大和七年,時間上亦無暇前往玉陽山隱居學仙,而且幕主崔戎是佛教徒,是送李商隱前往「南山」佛寺隱居習業。 所以蘇雪林提出李商隱與道教有關詩之詩作,應是錯舉,李商隱並非是詩作中的主角,僅是以旁觀者之視角,揭櫫入道女性之悲劇新聞事件的都市詩人。


According to Su Xuelin's indication in his ”The Origianl and Sequel Chapters of Yuxi Poetic Riddles”, the late Tang poet Li Shangyin (812-858) had practiced Daoism and tried to become an immortal being while he was working at Cui Rong's headquarters in the seventh year of Dahe reign (833). Moreover, it has been argued that Li's poems concerning Daoism or his ”Unnamed Poem” talk abut his love affairs or even his liaison. This paper will indicate that it was geographically impossible for Li Shangyin to practice Daoism and he could not possibly have time going to Mt. Yuyang to live in seclusion trying to become an immortal being. In addition, Li was sent to a Buddhist temple at ”Mt. Nan” by his patron Cui Rong and stayed there as an practioner. Consequently, it was an erroneous illustration when Su Xuelin related Li Shangyin's poems to Daoism. Li was in fact not the leading role of his poems. As an urban poet and from the angle of a bystander, he disclosed tragic media events for females who wished to enter the Daoist world.


