  • 期刊


A Study on Tang Custom-related Poetry--Analyzing and Comparing with Poems about Shangsi, Hanshi, and Qingming Festival




節俗詩 上巳 寒食 清明


Tang Dynasty is one of the most well-thriven Chinese dynasties. In Tang Dynasty, the bureaucracy, military, economy, public policies, etc. were under extremely good circumstance. Hence, people for the time being were leading their lives very happily, and moreover, they had developed a variety of traditional customs and festivals. By doing a research on the Tang poetry, we could see that Tang poets were very good at writing new poems as soon as they saw or realized something special happening in their daily life. Thus, it is an appropriate way to doing the research on Tang customs and festivals by studying and learning further about Tang poetry. Analyzing the Tang poems related to the customs and festivals, this essay, generally speaking, is about three traditional festivals--Shangsi, Hanshi, and Qingming, as well as what Tang people do during those three festivals. And it is expected to find out and realize more about the culture, customs, and festivals at that time.


