  • 期刊


The Response Characteristics and Significance of Immigran Children's Kinetic Family Drawings-A Pilot Study




Kinetic Family Drawings (KFD) is a measurement which could be conducted easily to reflect how children perceive their families and personal relationships. Therefore, it is suitable for initial assessment tool for understanding children's family relationships. The purpose of this study is to understand the significance of immigran children's KFD, and 16 elementary students participates in this study. Five indexes, including drawing actions, styles, symbols, physical characteristics, and grid, along with Gestalt perspective analysis were applied to evaluate and conclude participants' respondence. The results discover that there are some characteristics displayed in the KFD of children from immigran family, including the absence of meal-time, family cooperation, play behaviors among siblings, child-rearing, and parents; as well as unable to describe behaviors of self and family members, limited symbols, and most symbols centralizing in chores, Moreover, the participants' drawings indicated the alienation of family-link, limited sibling interactions, and a lack of nourishing and happy family image. This study is served as a pilot study, and the KFD scale could be developed to a preliminary screening tool for children from immigran families.


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