  • 期刊


Relationship between Physician-Patient Communication and Patient Satisfaction among Patients Receiving Noninvasive Examination




A healthy physician-patient interaction and effective physician-patient communication can improve the patient's satisfaction. This study aimed to examine physician-patient communication and investigate the relationship between physician-patient communication and patient satisfaction among patients who had received carotid duplex examination. Data were collected with purposive sampling of participants who had received carotid duplex examination at a medical center in Taipei during March and April in 2009. This was a cross-sectional study using structured questionnaires. During the study period, 252 valid samples were collected. Physician-patient communication and patient satisfaction still have room for improvement. Prescribing physicians with 6-10 years of experience received a better score in physician-patient communication than did the other 2 groups of physicians (those with less than 5 years and more than 11 years of experience). Among patients, women had a higher patient satisfaction in the examination process. There was a significant difference in patient satisfaction regarding physician-patient communication according to the seniority of the prescribing physicians, and physicians with 6-10 years of experience had the best result. After controlling the possible interfering factors, physician-patient communication and patient satisfaction had a significant positive correlation. This means that the patients' appraisal of their communication with the prescribing physicians and the examiners has a direct effect on patient satisfaction. However, there was no significant effect on patient self-communication and satisfaction appraisal. Noninvasive examination differs from invasive examination, because a patient is required to provide informed consent before an invasive examination. The results of our study show that the seniority of the prescribing physician and the examiner has a significant effect on patient satisfaction. Further investigation and communication training for junior and senior prescribing physicians is required to improve patient satisfaction regarding noninvasive examination.


行政院衛生署 (2010),98年度死因統計, 2011年5月10日,取自行政院衛生署統計室http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/Dm/DM2_2_p02.aspx?class_no=440&now_fod_list_no=11397&level_no=1&doc_no=76512
法務部 (2009),全國法規資料庫醫療法,2009 年 12 月 27 日,取自法務部全國法規資料庫http://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=L0020021


