  • 期刊


A Study on Separate Seals of Manibhadra, Guanshiyin King of the Wish-fulfilling Jewel and Wheel in Dunhuang Manuscripts




如意輪觀音 陀羅尼 別行法 符印


This paper examines the Dunhuang manuscript Cintamanicakraraja manibhadra's Alternative Pratice with Seals (Ruyilunwang Moni batuo biexing fayin) which taught that the Cintamanicakra Dhāraṇī spells had the marvelous virtues of purifying sins and transcending ten bhumis. There are seventeen Dhrama seals attached to the Dunhuang manuscript. They have different names, formats, practices and functions. In the meantime, they have three features. First, it is unique for these seals to have seals bearing the names of Guanshiyin and the World-honored One. Second, they transformed the Esoteric Buddhist ritual of hand-gesture seals to talisman-engraving seals and talisman-writing seals. Third, they regard the function of practicing these seals as the objective of enlightening and reaching the Buddahood, which is different from other seals that focus on the worldly benefits of healing illness and exorcism.


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