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Research on the Meaning of Annotation Symbols of "Yun, Ping, Ce, Yin, Duan" in Dunhuang Telling and Singing Literature




敦煌 講唱文學


There were many scriptures and manuscripts preserved in sutra cave of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang. In Dunhuang manuscripts, we can see additional annotations like "韻Yun, 平Ping, 側Ce, 吟Yin, 斷Duan" on top of libretto, but the definition always opinions differ. In this article, the writer will use the concept of phonology to explore how did additional annotations described above correspond with rhyme and tone in the content of Dunhuang manuscripts, and do a clear research on additional annotations like "韻Yun, 平Ping, 側Ce, 吟Yin, 斷Duan" to make them more close to the meaning of Dunhuang manuscripts. The meaning of "韻Yun" is rhyme in even sentences is similar. The meaning of "平Ping" is even sentences ended up in level tones. The meaning of "側Ce" is even sentences ended up in rising tones, falling tone and entering tones. The meaning of "吟Yin" is chant. In order to take a long moan, the chant seldom ended up in entering tones of closed syllable but often ended up in nasal syllable. The meaning of "斷Duan" is shortening the sentence. The chant will started in continuous level tones ending and ended up in odd words with oblique tones in classical Chinese pronunciation, also, use a higher proportion of entering tone words to interval the chant content in level tones to create a rhythm through fast shorten point. Combined annotation symbols mainly through the recombination of symbols to create more sound changing effects. Librettos which combined by many annotation symbols are belong to Middle Chinese division Ⅲ words. When connected low-tongue position of main vowel after the Middle Chinese division Ⅲ word〔-j-〕, we can discover a hearing experience with loudness ranging from small to large. Thus, the characteristic of rhyme can be enlarged and the performance of nasal and stops syllables can also be strengthened. The additional annotations written in different heights with different meanings. "韻Yun, 平Ping, 側Ce, 吟Yin, 斷Duan" can not only reflect speakers' high degree of mastery of text and speech voice but can also promote public's emotional resonance about storytelling by changing tones to echo the content of speech. When promote public's emotional resonance about storytelling, speakers can increase audiences' interest and interesting of telling and singing literature, also, speakers can achieve their goal of preach.


Dunhuang Telling and Singing Literature Yun Ping Ce Yin Duan


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