  • 期刊


The Study of Strategic Modules of Experiential Marketing Factor Analysis


事件旅遊是國內外旅遊市場發展及促銷目的地觀光旅遊常見的策略,其能創造地方觀光業者的收入。透過事件本身的話題性吸引眾多媒體報導與參與者,是事件行銷的成功關鍵因素所在。隨著遊憩休閒產業興盛,愈來愈多相關業者將事件行銷概念予以整合,已成爲不容忽視之行銷利器。翡翠灣爲交通部觀光局評定爲A級之旅遊據點,其資源遊憩型態以沙灘、浴場為主,其爲多元化遊憩區,適合發展各類型的海洋觀光遊憩活動。 本研究以「翡翠灣夏日樂園」作爲個案,依據Schmitt(1999)所提出的策略體驗模組(SEMs)概念出發,整合國內外學者相關文獻,發展出更適切運用於事件行銷活動爲基礎之遊客旅遊體驗,並參考其他相關文獻及實際訪查翡翠灣之周邊環境設備人員,利用五個體驗行銷構面因素,各探討10項體驗媒介(ExPros),進行420份問卷發放,有效問卷共計414份,回收率爲98.571%。 資料分析係採用次數分配、平均數分析以及信度分析、探索性因素分析(EFA)及驗證性因素分析(CFA),本研究除瞭解遊客對於翡翠灣夏日樂園旅遊體驗之情況,並將所有體驗行銷構面加以衡量,篩選出最適合的旅遊體驗之構面媒介,並進行適配程度之驗證,以期提供未來各縣市政府或民間舉辦事件活動擬定行銷策略之參考。


Event tourism has been a common strategy for destination tourism development and promotion in the domestic and foreign tourism market and it creates the place going sightseeing industry income. It is the successful critical factor of Event Marketing thematic nature, to attract mass media and numerous participants. Recreation and leisure industry is blossom, more and more relation agents combine even marketing concepts, become not be ignored to marketing edge toll. Green Bay is evaluated of A grade for Tourism Bureau, Rep. of Taiwan. The main recreation patterns are including the beach and the outdoor bathing place. The Summer Land in Green Bay has a diversification recreation area and suits to develop tourism activities of ocean. This study topics of this research travel experience is conducted by taking the tourist in Summer Land in Green Bay as the analyze samples. This study quotation Schmitt (1999) indicates strategic experiential modules (SEMs). Integrating the domestic and foreign scholars' related literature. Use five factors, divided by 10 items of experiential providers (ExPros). The data collection was by questionnaire to survey. There are providing 420 sheets. The numbers of effective returned questionnaires were 414. An effective response rate is 98.571%. The data analysis methods included the descriptive statistics, the reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmation factor analysis (CFA). Besides this study understands tourists travel experience situation for Summer Land in Green Bay, and use all experience marketing construct to measure. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit of the model to the data was demonstrated. The goal of this study is to provide every county, city, and private organization with a reference for formulating marketing relation strategies when holding different events activities.


陳昱程(2014)。體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之探討 —以中部鳳梨酥店家為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.11199
