  • 期刊


Study of Improving the Defect of the 32 & 33-th Punitive Rule of Soil and Water Conservation Law-Lincoln Big Building Disaster as the Examples


水土保持法係於八十三年(1994年)七月二十五日經立法公告,其立法之宗旨便是保育台灣的水、土資源、涵養水源,亦即保護台灣二千餘萬人賴以生存之根本大法。惟立法之時,因涉及超個人法益(社會法益及國家法益),故具有最重要之刑罰罰則,亦即本法除行政權之權限外(如:建築法,因無刑罰罰則之規章,即係行政法規),因有罰則(水土保持法第三十二、三十三條)之訂定,司法權亦可依法介入。 然立法之時,因水土保持之產、官、學者鎮日接觸工程、技術,不黯工程與法律界面之整合,且刑責之訂定,明顯直接抄襲二十餘年前山坡地保育利用條例之罰則,造成水土保持法執行刑責時,常有不適宜之狀況,且因「法定要件」之「..致生水土流失..」規範不甚嚴謹,致司法機關執行時,常生「何謂..致生水土流失..」疑惑,喪失第一時間內取締違法、彌平災變之重要黃金時刻;本文要旨即係以法學重要理論、學說之論述,再兼之探討林肯大郡災變案發生之因素,證實災變之發生,與本法之缺失實有密不可分之關係,進而建議權責機關儘速修訂本法,以迅速有效遏止山坡地濫墾、違法開發。


立法 災難 條例 水土保持法


Soil & Water Conservation Law was legislated and announced on May 27(superscript th) 1994. The purpose and object of this law is to protect the Soil & Water in Taiwan, and also is the fundamental for this land which 20 million people lived. Merely when legislated this law, it is involved with overtake individual benefit (Society benefit & Nation benefit), therefore it especially and have priority to possess the penalty standard of the administrative legislation. In other words except the administration authority (Ex: Building Laws,because no regulations for penalty, then belong to administrative laws) of this law. Because of the penalty (Soil & Water Conservation Law, clause 32nd 33rd) established, Jurisdiction could be intervened by operation of this law. Since the soil & water conservation workers are devoted to the civil engineering and Environmental protection mainly, consequently read and study law affairs cursorily. They couldn't integrate the engineering and the law properly, accordingly they copy the regulation directly from Mountain sloping field conservation laws of 20 years ago. It cause jurisdiction worker to feel doubtful to identify ”causing soil & water flow away reason… (Statutory article)” When they execute the punishment. Due to this they also couldn't clamp down on illegality and prevent the catastrophe at the real time. This dissertation is concerning on expounding the jurisprudence theory, and explore the cause of Lincoln Building concurrently. I want to prove the deficiency of this law occurred the damage of Lincoln Building and recommend the government organization to revise this law accordingly. Therefore could completely fulfill the law onto develop and build and construct the mountain slope land, in the mean time could stop over-cultivate and illegal construction as well.


