  • 期刊


Study on the Mechanism of Slope Sliding in Sushakn Landslide Area




地滑 食水坑 豪雨 調查 緊急整治


Recently, hillside in Taiwan have many sediment disasters whenever invasion typhoon and torrential rainfall attacked, how to carry on the specialized investigation to already making the disaster or may have produced the disaster area two times and implemented proper urgent control works to assess within shortest time, prevented natural hillside disaster was one of the soil and water conservation worker's main tasks for the present hillside fields. The hillside of Sushakn area in Jolun village is influenced by 0609 torrential rainfall in 2006, the landslide happens cause damaged 16 houses, the people are serious in property loss, shoot Line 55 road under the landslide area is covered with by the sliding stratum body, the road cuts off the traffic and is obstructed. The main purpose of this paper namely whether collect the expert of hillside disaster prevention immediately and organize special project group to make field survey and investigation, can propose optimization treatment scheme suggestion on this case. Investigated result shows that the stratum in this area sliding were influence causing except by the water table rising and torrential rainfall, should cause by ground surface erosion and fault movement with local geological characteristic and 921 earthquake. It should be better relatively plan to renovated in land preparation, draining surface runoff, filling and blocking on ground crack and setting retaining wall in the future.
