  • 期刊


Application of an Antecedent Precipitation Index Model in Estimating Stormflow Hydrographs for the Chungliaohsi Watershed at Liukuei Experimental Forest of Southern Taiwan


本文採用臨前降雨指數(API)模式,以推估台灣南部山區六龜試驗林之中寮溪集水區暴雨流量歷線,以探討該模式在台灣森林集水區之適用性。經13場推估暴雨流量歷線與觀測流量歷線之比較分析,証實API模式是一個結構簡易而易於使用的水文模式,僅需知道4個參數,輸入降雨資料,即可獲得流量歷線,且推估之流量歷線可靠性,尚可接受。中寮溪集水區的API模式代表性參數值:K為0.9;X為0.5;暴雨量小於100 mm,I為0.498,S為0.0055;暴雨量大於100 mm,I為0.573,S為0.0068。


This study estimated stormflow hydrographs using an antecedent precipitation index (API) model in the Chungliaohsi watershed at Liukuei experimental forest of southern Taiwan. Based on the comparison analysis between the estimated and measured stormflow hydrographs from thirteen storm events, the API model was shown to be a relatively simple and reliable method for estimating stormflow hydrographs. The input data of this model requirement were only rainfall and four other parameters. The two representative parameters of Chungliaohsi watershed were 0.9 for k value, and 0.5 for X value. I and S were the other two representative parameters of Chungliaohsi watershed were 0.498 and 0.0055 for storm rainfall smaller 100 mm, and 0.573 and 0.0068 for storm rainfall larger 100 mm.
