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The Analysis of Punching Styles on 9(superscript th) Asian Youth Boxing Championships


本研究針對一九九八年第九屆亞洲盃青年拳擊錦標賽之冠、亞軍決賽做攻擊技術之分析,內容包含以下四點:(一)輕、中、重各量級各種出拳方法上之攻擊率分析。(二)決賽選手每一回合(場)比賽之總拳數分佈情形。(二)各種不同組合拳之編配(採群聚分析Cluster analysis,來整理各量級之單拳、組合拳的次數)。以及(四)決賽之二十二名選手在攻擊率與得分方面之相關。研究結果發現:(一).輕、中、重各量級選手在不同出拳方式之攻擊率上,輕、重量級的選手以刺拳(Jab)之攻擊率最高,而中量級的選手則以主直拳(Straight)最高。(二)決賽的選手每一回合與一場比賽之平均拳數分佈情形,以重量級最高,其次爲中量級,輕量級。(三)在各種不同單拳與組合拳之編配上,輕、重量級以刺拳系列最高而中量級則以主直拳方面爲主。(四)在參賽二十二名選手之攻擊率與得分的相關方面,經皮爾遜積差相關法的檢驗後發現,本次進入決賽之選手的攻擊率與得分方面並沒有明顯的相關存在。(r=0.224)。研究結果建議:近年來亞洲國家在世界業餘拳擊方面的水準已有明顯的提升,特別是屬獨立國協的哈薩克與烏茲別克的加入之下,使得亞洲地區的拳擊運動較以往的競爭變得更加的激烈。國內教練除了需要更努力的向他國學習之外,亦須要在這個領域理多加的自我研究與充實,並且彼此之間應多加的進行文流。 另外、除了在本文中所列之拳擊攻擊數據分析可供各級教練參考之外,也希望各教練能同樣視選手在其它拳擊訓練層面如:防守、步伐…等之增強。使我國之拳擊水準能繼續的向前方邁進。


業餘拳擊 組合拳 單拳


The present study was examining the punching style of 9(superscript th) Asian youth boxing championship which include: (1) The most frequent punches of the three major weight categories on the final. (2) The every boxer's single blow and combinations and (3) The total blows of boxers launched on the final. (4) The correlation between punching rate and score. The result indicate: (1) the most frequent punch of the light weight and heavy weight was 「jab」, and middle weight was 「straight」. (2) The most punch lunched (mean) categorie on the final was heavy weight, then middle and light weight. (3) the most frequent punches of heavy weight and light weight was 「jab」 series, middle weight was r straight series. (4) there are no correlation between the striking rate and scores (r=0.224; α<.05). The author suggests: due to the increased skill level and competitors in Asia, the coaches in Taiwan must to learn from each others, and communicate with the coaches who came from another countries, Besides, can coaches use this quantitative data to improve boxer's offense skill: they should not ignore the importance of defense skill of amateur boxing.


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