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The Comparison and Analysis of International Elite Epee Fencer's Tactics Applying in International Competitions-A Study on 99-02 International Competitions


本次研究採取觀察法,並利用統計分析軟體分折,其目的主要是針對近年來國際優秀銳劍選手在國際比賽的戰術表現,自1999至2002中取得五次國際比賽錄影帶,研究對象為此五次國際比賽中冠亞軍賽之實況,共有10位選手,而此10位選手皆為近年來世界銳劍排名前32強之選手,籍由觀察紀錄戰術模式、腿步動作之觀察法,將觀察的資料利用Spss for window 8.0套裝軟體進行戰術模式之平均數、標凖差、皮爾遜積差相闢等分析,依優秀銳劍選手在國際比賽的實況進行戰術與動作的解折,籍以將研究結果提供本國銳劍教練與選手參考。於本次結果發: 一、銳劍比賽中,積極的主動攻擊戰術為選手採取的主要戰術。 二、選手在進行攻擊展開前,都會運用攻擊前的試探動作,進行攻擊試探,而運用此種方式的攻擊動作,擊中對手的成功性是相對的高。 三、攻擊前的試探次數,會影響時間差攻擊次數、被動攻擊有效率。 四、時間差攻擊有效率會影響得點數,進而影響到比賽的勝負。 五、主動攻擊對時間差、被動攻擊有正面的影響,因此三者間必須相互配合,而時間差攻擊在比賽中佔有20%以上的戰術運用。 六、時間差攻擊得點數佔選手得點數在本研究中為27%。 七、最常使用攻擊腳步是前跳結合長刺步;而以長刺步伐為基礎結合各種其它腳步是選手常使用的。


By means of observing the international epee competition, this study was to analyze the tactics and motions of outstanding fencers competing in international competitions held form 1999 to 2002 Data of this study were taped and observed from five final competitions Subjects were ten outstanding fencers whose ranks were within world top 32. All data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results were derived as the follows: 1. Fencers constantly took positive attack tactics in the epee competition. 2. Fencers could successfully score when they adopted the fake-attack actions. 3. The frequency of fake-attack actions before attack would affect the frequency of timing-attack and the effectiveness of the defense. 4. The effectiveness of the timing-attack played an important role in scoring and that, in turn, affects the result of the game. 5. The active attack had a positive influence on timing-attack and defense. Thus these three tactics should be performed interactively in: competition. There were 20% of tactics used in competition were timing-attack strategy. 6. There were 27% of points were scored by timing-attack in this study. 7. Fencers usually used the jump-lunch as attack-footstep. The footstep of jump combining other footsteps was the basic step used most in competitions.


attack timing-attack defense attack-footsteps
