  • 期刊


Lay Home Visitors in Tuberculosis Control after World War Ⅱ in Taiwan




Since World War Ⅱ, tuberculosis (TB) has been one of the most serious of the contagious diseases in Taiwan. Thus ”lay home visitors” have been one of most basic official ways to control the disease since the mid-1960s. The position was established in 1966, and the visitors were assigned to the public health station in each village and town by the Taiwan Provincial Tuberculosis Control Bureau. In 1989, lay home visitors were promoted to be assistant nurses. This article studies the situation between 1966 and 1989. Besides discussing the historical background of the establishment of the lay home visitors program, it also discusses the selection standards and career experiences of the workers. The sources of this article are mainly official reports, relevant research, and in-depth interviews of four senior lay home visitors. The career and its difficulties are shown through the selection of lay home visitors, the nature of their work, relationships between colleagues and with patients, and so forth. The initial conclusions of this article are as follows: 1) The selection of lay home visitors is influenced by traditional gender expectations; young females with patience, love, and persistence are considered most suitable to this job. 2) Lay home visitors and public health nurses in tuberculosis control, although both female, maintain a status differential, while the gender of male physicians helps in handling uncooperative patients. ”Working Target Numbers” are the chief source of the lay home visitors' work stress. 3) Different status, unequal work allotments, and differences in the understanding of health care all cause conflict between lay home visitors and public health nurses in health stations. 4) Regarding relations with patients, lay home visitors pay special attention to safety and sexual problems, especially when faced with male patients. In terms of patient management methods, home visits, health education, and other aspects of the program, we can see how lay home visitors utilize their authority to regulate and monitor their patients' bodies.

