  • 期刊


A Reflection on the Concept of the "Greater China Economic Zone": Taiwanese Merchants' Overseas Economic and Trading Experiences under Japanese Colonial Rule


1990年代以來,「大中華經濟圈」(Greater China Economic Zone)、「世界華人網絡」(Global Chinese Notwork)等等語詞屢見於報章雜誌,這是以文化關係建構經濟關係的一個概念。本文以日治時期台灣商人在華南、東南亞、滿洲國的移民、投資與貿易等經貿活動爲基礎,思考文化關係在建構經濟關係時的有效程度。全文所用資料,以台灣、日本、美國、新加坡、中國大陸相關圖書館所藏日治時期台灣總督府和台灣銀行的調查、日本領事報告及僑界、滿洲國和台灣的報紙等爲主體。文中由此時台灣人因閩粵次文化的方便,其移民、投資以華南最多、東南亞次之、滿洲國最少,論證文化關係對移民、投資助益較多。文中又由1932年至1939年之間,台灣與滿洲國的貿易值爲臺灣與福建貿易值的六倍,台灣與東南亞貿易值的八倍,台灣與滿洲國間的有無相通較台灣與華南、東南亞爲多論證在進行貿易時,比較利益法則可以凌駕文化關係之上。文中亦由中日交戰期間日本佔領廈門之時,透過文化關係之便而在廈門包辦諸多生意之台商主要支援日軍,推論即使在移民與投資方面,也可能發生政治經濟考量凌駕文化關係的情況。由上綜論「大中華經濟圈」、「世界華人網絡」等概念的侷限性。


Since 1990, the terms ”Greater China Economic Zone” and ”Global Chinese network” have been frequently used in the mass media. This paper examines the underlying concept of building economic networks through cultural attachment by focusing on the overseas trade experiences of Taiwanese merchants under Japanese rule. Materials used for this study are mostly Japanese consular reports, investigations of the Japanese Taiwan governor-general and of the Taiwan Bank, newspapers of Taiwan, Manchuria, Southeast Asian overseas Chinese communities obtained from Taiwan, Japan, the U.S.A., Singapore, and Chinese mainland. During the whole period, Southern China, which shares a Southern Fujianese subculture with Taiwan, drew the most interest from Taiwanese merchants for migration and investment; and Southeast Asia, whose overseas Chinese also shared this common culture, ranked next; Manchuria, which did not share this culture, ranked last. This suggests the influence of cultural attachment upon migration and investment. While, during the period of 1932-1939, the trade value between Taiwan and Manchuria was six times that of Taiwan-Southern China trade and eight times of Taiwan-Southeast Asia trade as Taiwan had a better regional division of labor with Manchuria. This suggests that the more dominant influence of comparative advantage than cultural attachment for building trade networks. And, as Taiwanese merchants active in their cultural homeland, Southern China, provided war materials for the Japanese army with whom they shared the same political and economic interests, it further suggests that even for migration and investment, cultural attachment could be overridden by politico-economic considerations. These Taiwanese merchants' experiences suggest the limited efficacy of the concept underlying the terms ”Greater China Economic Zone” and ”Global Chinese network.”


Amoy.Chinese Maritime Customs.


