  • 期刊


Demographic Structures and Ethnic Relations in Wuniulan Village during the Japanese Colonial Era


日治時期行政區域的烏牛欄庄,是由烏牛欄、阿里史與大馬璘等三個平埔族聚落所組成,地點位於埔里盆地偏西方的台地上,即使到日治晚期,平埔族人口仍佔全庄人口過半數比率。烏牛欄庄有埔里最早設立的教堂,有埔社番後代望麒麟的家族,也是日治初期迎接日本人進入埔里的主力。 本文探討的重點集中於「人口結構」與「族群關係」兩方面。人口結構方面,運用臨時戶口調查等人口資料,探究烏牛欄庄的人口成長趨勢與族群結構變化,採電腦建檔方式,以戶口調查簿的收養與婚姻紀錄,分析烏牛欄庄的收養網絡與婚姻網絡關係。族群關係方面,透過史料的爬梳,考察烏牛欄庄各族群的互動關係,以及烏牛欄庄民與鄰近地區聚落間的互動關係。此外,也針對烏牛欄庄的幾個重要家族的發展,以及各家族間的互動關係,探討地方菁英在地方發展與族群互動過程中所扮演的角色。 本文不僅是檢視過去的學者對於烏牛欄庄的研究成果,或者是烏牛欄庄在埔里開發史上的重要性,也希望藉由新的處理戶口調查簿的方法,來探究日治時期一個平埔族人口佔大多數的聚落之人口結構與族群關係。這樣的嘗試,不僅有助於了解台灣開發史上多元族群互動過程的時空差異,也可以做為地方史研究的一種參考模式。


This article attempts to enhance our understanding of ethnic relations in modem Taiwanese history by utilizing demographic records and other sources to explore the history of Wuniulan Village 烏牛欄庄 during the Japanese colonial era. Located on the western edge of the Puli 埔里 basin (in today's Nantou 南投 County, central Taiwan), Wuniulan Village consisted of the three Plains Aborigine (pingpuzu 平埔族) communities known as Wuniulan 烏牛欄, Alishi 阿里史, and Damalin 大馬璘, Wuniulan Village was noteworthy for the size of its Plains Aborigine population (who remained a majority up to the end of colonial rule), as well as its venerable Presbyterian church. It was also home to the descendents of the Plains Aborigine elite Wang Qilin 望鰭麟, who supported the Japanese during their occupation of Puli during the late 1 890s. Our research examines Wuniulan Village's historical development from the perspectives of demographic structures and ethnic relations. For the former topic, we developed a new computer database for compiling and analyzing data on marriages and adoptions preserved in colonial-era household registers and other demographic sources, which shed new light on local population patterns and ethnic structures. For the latter, we relied on a wide range of historical documents to trace the interaction among different ethnic groups in Wuniulan, as well as between Wuniulan and neighboring communities. We also paid close attention to the growth of this area's elite families, as well as their role m its ethnic relations.


不著撰者,《日治時期戶口調查簿》,共320 冊。埔里戶政事務所保存。
不著撰者,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,第302 冊第2 件、第2417 冊第1、2 件、第9907 冊第24 件。


