  • 期刊

翻譯與調解衝突:第一次鴉片戰爭的英方譯者費倫(Samuel T. Fearon,1819-1854)

Translation and Resolving Conflict: The First Opium War Interpreter of the British Empire, Samuel T. Fearon (1819-1854)


在無數的戰爭場面中,譯者由於是軍旅中唯一能與敵國溝通的渠道,他們的工作範圍廣泛多元,而且常要冒生命危險,為軍隊提供情報及基本物資,主導戰役宣戰、議和、勸降的艱辛工作。而戰後兩國談判桌上的工作,沒有譯者擔當書面翻譯及傳譯工作,同樣不可能完成。因此,譯者在重大戰爭記述中,應占有一重要席位。然而可惜的是,過去眾多有關戰爭的歷史研究中,譯者都變成了無名英雄,被歷史遺忘了。本文考察第一次鴉片戰爭中,為英方擔任譯員的費倫(Samuel Turner Fearon)的歷史貢獻。具備語言天份的費倫,在鴉片戰爭中,以卓越的翻譯能力調解各種中英衝突事件;而在鴉片戰爭後,獲委任為首任香港總登記官,並被羅致成為英國倫敦國王學院的首任中文教授,為中英外交史上的重要角色。可惜的是,在眾多的鴉片戰爭研究中,有關費倫的研究幾乎完全闕如。本論文希望從多種零散資料中,整理我們對費倫的認識,這不僅是對一位重要歷史人物事蹟的鉤沉,而是要將其重新定位於鴉片戰爭史裡,填補中英近代外交史上的重要空白。同時,也希望能夠從翻譯研究角度入手,展現1830-1840年中西交匯期間譯者的多元身分以及特殊貢獻。


鴉片戰爭 戰爭通譯 費倫 錢納利 馬儒翰


As the only men who can communicate between opposite camps during wars, interpreters risk their lives in undertaking military and diplomatic duties, such as declaration of war, negotiation of peace, and instigation of surrender. They assume pivotal roles not only in the gathering of intelligence, but also in the signing of treaties to end wars. Interpreters deserve their place in any account of warfare between different peoples. However, few histories have given them their due. This article attempts to rescue the lost voice of Samuel T. Fearon, an interpreter in the First Opium War or Anglo-Chinese War (1839-1842), which broke out at a time that historians usually call ”a period of difficulty and conflict.” Due to his ability as an interpreter and his knowledge of Chinese, Fearon resolved various kinds of cultural and military conflicts during the war. He was not only an interpreter in the First Opium War, but also a senior government official in British Hong Kong and the inaugural professor of Chinese at King’s College, London. No study has hitherto undertaken to thoroughly study his life. This article examines Fearon’s distinguished life, highlighting the role of the interpreter in the Opium War.


Venuti, Lawrence(1995).The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation.London:Routledge.
Robinson, Douglas(1991).The Translator's Turn.Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press.
Polachek, James M.(1992).The Inner Opium War.Cambridge:Harvard University Press.
Greenberg, Michael(1951).British Trade and the Opening of China, 1800-42.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Melancon, Glenn(2003).Britain's China Policy and the Opium Crisis: Balancing Drugs, Violence and National Honour, 1833-1840.Aldershot:Ashgate.
