  • 期刊


The Influence of Patient Incivility Behavior on Emotional Regulation: A Moderated Mediation of Stress Mindset and Customer Orientation




This study proposes a theoretical model of stress mindset based on the transactional model of stress, and aims to investigate a moderated mediation research framework that customer orientation moderated the mediation relationship between patient incivility behavior and emotional regulation through the mediator of stress mindset. This study was conducted in the form of questionnaire survey and collected data in three stages at different time points. Nurses were the main research objects, and a total of 1,150 valid questionnaires were collected. Results shows that: (1) negative/ positive stress mindset mediates the relationship between patient incivility behavior and surface acting/ deep acting; (2) customer orientation moderates the relationship between patient incivility behavior and negative stress mindset; (3) customer orientation has a moderating effect on the indirect effect of patient incivility behavior, negative stress mindset and surface acting, but it does not have a moderating effect on the indirect effect of patient incivility behavior, positive stress mindset and deep acting. Based on the results, theoretical and practical implications were provided, research limitations and future research directions were discussed.


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