  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of "Tatbestandsirrtum" between Tang Code and Present Code




In modern jurisprudential thought, ”Irrtum”means actor whose subjective recognition is different from objective existence or the facts. Recognition is a condition of intentionaloffense. The actor must have recognition and decide to make something happen, thereby resulting in their being punished. When an actor has misconceived, this will influence his criminal responsibility. That is to say, there is an intimate relationship between an actor's conception, their decision, and the facts.In the past, the types of ”Irrtum” in jurisprudence could be divided into two varieties: one was ”Tatsachenirrtum” and the other was ”Rechtsirrtum”. The current terms are ”Tatbestandsirrtum” and ”Irrtum ueber die Rechtswidrigkeit”.The theory of ”Irrtum” in Chinese traditional code is not as good as that of modern jurisprudence. However, Zhouli 周禮did make mention of three conditions of pardon: the first was about mistaken identity; the second was about negligent crime; and the third was about oblivion. The first and second conditions are related to the theory of ”Irrtum” in criminal jurisprudence. In Chang-Fei's Han-Chin lu xu zhu 漢晉律序注there is also mention of the concept of ”Irrtum”. Therefore, we find a parallel theory to that of ”Irrtum” in the Chinese traditional code. The modern jurisprudence is long-standing. Although the Tang Code did not establish a standard theory about ”Irrtum”, there are some similar standards found in the ”Tang Code's Section on General Principles of Tang Code”, the ”Tang Code's Section on Fight and Litigation” and the ”Tang Code's Section of Miscellaneous Articles of Tang Code”.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the ”Act of Rescue” in the Tang Code. Second, the program will analyze the continuity and variability of the legislative spirit found in the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Finally, the Program will comparatively study the ”Act of Rescue” between Tang Code and Present Code, in order to observe their similarities and dissimilarities.


Tang Code Present Code Tatbestandsirrtum


